μετὰ δὲ τὸ παύσ.: the words may indicate not only the fact of the cessation of the tumult, but that Paul felt that the time for departure had come. θόρ., cf. Matthew 26:5; Matthew 27:24; Mark 14:2; three times in Acts 21:34; Acts 24:18, and several times in LXX. In Acts 21:34 it is used more as in classics of the confused noise of an assembly (cf. Mark 5:38), but in the text it seems to cover the whole riot, and may be translated “riot”. ἀσπασάμενος : “non solum salutabant osculo advenientes verum etiam discessuri,” Wetstein, and references; so in classical Greek, cf. also Acts 21:6-7; Acts 21:19.

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Old Testament