τῷ Θεῷ πατρὶ κ. τ. λ.: “to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus”. Even if Θεῷ καὶ πατρὶ were read, we should probably not make Κυρίου dependent on Θεῷ as well as πατρὶ, since this is not Paul's usual language, though it is found in Ephesians 1:17 (ὁ Θεὸς τ. Κυρ. ἡμ. Ἰ. Χ.). πάντοτε is connected by several commentators (Beng., Alf., Ell., Findl., R.V.) with προσευχ. In favour of this is οὐ παυόμεθα ὑπ. ὑμ. προσευχ. (Colossians 1:9). But more probably it should be taken with εὐχαριστ. (Mey., Lightf., Ol., Haupt, Weiss, Abb.), as this is the usual collocation in Paul. But περὶ ὑμῶν belongs to προσευχ., not (as Lightf., Ol.) to εὐχαριστ. “We always give thanks when we pray for you.”

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Old Testament