Galatians 5:1-12

to Galatians 5:12. Freedom is our birthright in Christ and an essential condition of our call. Accordingly the Apostle protests against the claim that all Christians should be circumcised, as a departure from the spirit of Christ, a dangerous innovation which the churches will certainly condemn, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:1

In the original text, which I have adopted in accordance with the best MS. authority, the first clause of this verse is clearly detached from the second στήκετε οὖν, and attached to the preceding ἀλλὰ τῆς ἐλευθέρας without any connecting particle. But this primary connection with the preceding verse... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:2

ἐγὼ. The Apostle finds it necessary to express pointedly his own personal judgment on the effect of circumcision in consequence of false reports which had been circulated that he had given some sanction to the new doctrine. (See Galatians 5:11.)... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:3

μαρτύρομαι. This verb, which in Attic Greek denotes the calling of witnesses, is applied in Pauline language to the Apostle's own testimony. περιτέμνησθε, περιτεμνομένῳ. The use of the present tense intimates that the warning is not aimed at isolated acts, but at the introduction of a systematic pra... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:4

κατηργήθητε. This verb is applied with comprehensive force to any destruction of growth and life, physical or spiritual, beneficial or deleterious. Joined with ἀπό it denotes the loss of some essential element of life by the severance of previous intimate relations, _e.g._, annulment by death of a w... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:5

πνεύματι. In the absence of an article this dative must have an adverbial force, and should be rendered _in spirit_. The Holy Spirit is uniformly designated to τὸ Πνεῦμα. ἀπεκδεχόμεθα. This verb expresses eager expectation rather than the attitude of patient waiting attributed to it in our versions.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:6

Circumcision conveyed no spiritual blessing in return for its binding pledge of obedience to the Law. In 1 Corinthians 7:17-22 it is placed in the same category as marriage and slavery, outward conditions of life which are neither good nor evil in themselves, but are the appointed portion of some, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:7

ἐνέκοψεν. The figure of a race, introduced by ἐτρέχετε, is here carried on. Hitherto they had run a smooth course of obedience to truth; who had thrown obstacles in their way?... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:8

It was God who called Abraham, Moses, Samuel and the prophets of old and was now calling the Galatians through the Gospel of which Paul was minister, but this new persuasion was no true gospel, and did not come forth from Him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:9

Leaven became a type of moral and spiritual corruption in virtue of the fermentation it engenders. A very small lump might readily form a centre of widespread corruption; so stringent precautions were adopted in Jewish households for the removal of every particle before the days of unleavened bread.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:10

The emphatic ἐγώ with which this verse opens reminds the converts of the Apostle's personal claims in the Lord on their allegiance. He reckons with confidence on their support in pronouncing the judgment of their church on any who may disregard this warning. Every offender shall bear his own respons... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:11

It seems strange in view of Paul's later career that he should have needed to repudiate, however briefly and scornfully, the charge of still preaching circumcision as he had before his conversion. After his open breach with the synagogue, indeed, at Corinth and at Ephesus it would have been hardly p... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:12

ὄφελον. This adverb occurs also in 1Co 4:8, 2 Corinthians 11:1; Revelation 3:15. In all three places it expresses dissatisfaction with the actual position, “Would that it were otherwise”. But it acquires this force from its combination with past tenses, like the aorist ὤφελον in Attic Greek. When co... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:13

ἐπʼ ἐλευθερίᾳ. Our versions render this _unto_ (_for_ R.V.) _freedom_, as though it were the design of the Gospel to lead to freedom. But the Greek text affirms rather that God's call was based upon freedom, and so makes it an essential element in spiritual life and the inalienable right of every tr... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:14

πεπλήρωται. MS. authority is decisive in favour of this perfect against the present πληροῦται. The perfect is likewise adopted in the parallel passage Romans 13:8, ὁ ἀγαπῶν νόμον πεπλήρωκεν. For the very existence of love in the heart attests the completion of a previous inward act of the will. ἐν ἑ... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:15

If the spirit of mutual love does not prevent Christian brethren from preying on one another, they are in danger of utter destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:16

Πνεύματι περιπ.: _Walk by the spirit, i.e._, Regulate your lives by the rule of the spirit. You will not then fulfil the desire of the flesh.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:16-24


Galatians 5:17

σὰρξ … πνεῦμα. All the various motives which operate on the mind and will to prompt intention and action are comprehended under one of the two categories, spirit and flesh. The line of division between them corresponds to that drawn in 1 Corinthians 2:14 between the natural man (ψυχικός) and the spi... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:18

Law finds no just occasion against men who are led by the spirit, for they themselves check every wrong desire within them, and so fulfil the whole Law. The identity of Law with justice and right is, of course, assumed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:19

Though this verse enumerates only evil works of the flesh, it is not thereby suggested that its action is wholly evil; for the flesh has been shown to have its appointed function from God, and to be essential to the human will. The opening ἅτινα puts the following catalogue of crimes and vices in it... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:20

ζῆλος. See note on Galatians 4:17. ἐριθίαι. The apparent derivation of this word from ἔριθος (_a hireling_) points to mercenary motives. The Apostle elsewhere associates it with jealousy, envy and vainglory, and contrasts it with sincerity, union and love. It denotes, probably, selfish intrigues. αἱ... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:21

προεῖπον. No particular admonition is here specified: warnings against these sins had, of course, formed the staple of many former discourses. The Epistle has already claimed for Christians the inheritance of sons. That this inheritance included a kingdom needed no proof; for the conception of a Me... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:22

Since the object of this verse is to exhibit the harmony between the fruit of the spirit and the restraints of law, those qualities only are specified which affect man's duty to his neighbour. _Love_ with its unfailing attendants, inward _joy_ and _peace_, supplies the motive power; _long-suffering_... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:23

πραΰτης : _Meekness_ is the outcome of true humility, the bearing towards others which results from a lowly estimate of ourselves. ἐγκράτεια : _Self-control_ comprehends every form of temperance, and includes the mastery of all appetites, tempers and passions.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:24

ἐσταύρωσαν. The Apostle has already traced back his own spiritual life to the fellowship with the crucifixion of Christ, which he had undergone at his conversion (Galatians 2:20). He assumes that his converts have likewise crucified the will of the flesh not, however (as the previous context shows),... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:25

Here, as in Galatians 2:20, the thought of crucifixion with Christ suggests that of the new life which is its sequel. _If_, then, _we live in spirit_ (_i.e._, if we have spiritual life), let us take the spirit for the rule to guide our conduct.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:26

The English version _provoking_ introduces an idea of wanton provocation which does not belong to the Latin _provocantes_, nor to the Greek προκαλούμενοι, for this denotes challenges to combat, and so describes the spirit of defiance which animated rival parties amid the heated atmosphere of religio... [ Continue Reading ]

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