Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)
Galatians 5:25,26
Verse 25. _IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT_] If we profess to believe a spiritual religion, _let us walk in the Spirit_-let us show in our lives and conversation that the Spirit of God dwells in us....
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT - See the note at Galatians 5:16. The sense of this verse probably is, “We who are Christians profess to be under the influences of the Holy Spirit. By his influences and agen...
III. THE WALK OF THE JUSTIFIED BELIEVER, AS NOT UNDER THE LAW, BUT UNDER GRACE CHAPTER 5 _ 1. Stand fast! Be not entangled! (Galatians 5:1)_ 2. Exhortations and the law of love. (Galatians 5:7) 3....
GALATIANS 5:13 TO GALATIANS 6:10. Practical appendix to the epistle; in the form of guarding the doctrine of free grace against antinomian abuse....
GALATIANS 5:25 F. Though RV marks a new paragraph, and different language is employed, _these verses_ scarcely add anything to the thought. They name no fresh safeguard, but recapitulate Galatians 5:1...
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fidelity, gentleness, self-control. There is no law which condemns thing; like that. Those who belong to Jesus Christ hav...
AN OLD STORY AND A NEW MEANING (Galatians 4:21-31 ; Galatians 5:1) 5:1 Tell me this--you who want to be subject to the law, you listen to it being read to you, don't you? Well, then, it stands writte...
LIVE. Compare App-170. IN. No preposition. Dative case. LET US, &c. Read "we should walk also". WALK. Greek. _stoicheo_. Compare Galatians 4:3, and see Acts 21:24. Not the same word as in G
The mention of crucifixion suggests death the death of -the old man", which is the condition and birth of the new life in Christ. Very similar is the train of thought in Colossians 2:3. foll. _If we l...
ΕἸ ΖΩ͂ΜΕΝ ΠΝΕΎΜΑΤΙ κ.τ.λ. St Paul returns to the thought of Galatians 5:16 a, but by the way of contrast to Galatians 5:23 and of development of Galatians 5:24. It is not the Law but the spirit by whi...
25–6:6. _Life by the spirit brings unselfish care for others, e.g. for one’s teachers_ (Galatians 5:25) Life by the spirit leads to a life in right relation to others. (Galatians 5:26) We must all bew...
ΖΏΜΕΝ _praes. ind. act. от_ ΖΆΩ (G2198) жить. Ind. в _conj._, в котором условие рассматривается как реальное, ΣΤΟΙΧΏΜΕΝ _praes. conj. act. от_ ΣΤΟΙΧΈΩ (G4748) стоять в ряд, идти по прямой линии, вест...
DISCOURSE: 2086 WALKING IN THE SPIRIT Galatians 5:25. _If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit_. MEN, as creatures, may be called “the offspring of Jehovah,” “in whom they live, and...
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT, &C.— _Living in the Spirit_ expresses, in terms nearly resembling these in Acts 17:28 our continual dependence on its influences; and also illustrates the significancy of the...
TEXT 5:24-26 (24) And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof. (25) If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk. (26) Let us not be...
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. IN ... IN - rather, 'If we live (note, Galatians 5:24) BY the Spirit, let us also walk [ stoichoomen (G4448): studiously and with measured...
1 This paragraph is the summary and conclusion of the doctrinal argument. Tersely, he puts the case. Which shall it be _ Christ _ or _ circumcision_!' No half hearted allegiance here, no serving of tw...
5:25 by (h-4) by (h-11) The expression 'by the Spirit' occurs in vers. 18 and 25; but in ver. 16 'walk' refers to the general manner of life, as Romans 8:4 , so I have left 'in.' In vers. 18 and 25 '...
THE NATURE OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY 1-12. The futility of seeking justification by attempting to comply with the demands of the Mosaic Law; the inconsistency of works and faith as methods of salvation. P...
The inner life should rule the outer life....
CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE GALATIANS _HELEN POCOCK_ CHAPTER 5 CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE V1 We have freedom because Christ has made us free. Be certain that you remain free. You must not allow yourselv...
Paul had already explained how he had ‘died’ with Christ (2:20). Christians have God’s power to refuse their wrong desires. They can choose to obey the Holy Spirit. But this is often difficult (verse...
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT. — It seems, on the whole, best to translate: _If we live by the Spirit;_ if we derive our life from the Spirit; if it is by the action of the Spirit that our moral activity a...
(16-26) To follow the guidance of the Spirit is to obtain a double release: on the one hand, from the evil appetites and passions of the flesh or of sense — which is the direct antithesis to the Spiri...
CHAPTER 23 CHRIST'S SPIRIT AND HUMAN FLESH. Galatians 5:16 LOVE is the guard of Christian freedom. The Holy Spirit is its guide. These principles accomplish what the law could never do. It withheld...
PRODUCE THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT Galatians 5:13 That Christ has freed us from the Law as a means of salvation does not free us from moral restraint, but brings us under the constraint of a higher law,...
The whole law of liberty is stated in the sentences, "For freedom did Christ set us free," "stand fast therefore," and "be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage." He then refers first to circumcis...
If we (l) live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (l) If we are indeed endued with the quickening Spirit, who causes us to die to sin, and live to God, let us show it in our deeds, that i...
(19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, (20) Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, he...
Galatians 1:1-24. We saw the second of Corinthians characterized by the most rapid transitions of feeling, by a deep and fervent sense of God's consolations, by a revulsion so much the more powerful i...
25._If we live in the Spirit. _According to his usual custom, the apostle draws from the doctrine a practical exhortation. The death of the flesh is the life of the Spirit. If the Spirit of God lives...
It is in this liberty, the liberty of Christ, alluding to the free woman and Jerusalem above, that they were to stand fast, and not put themselves again under the yoke of the law. If they took that gr...
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT,.... Or "by the Spirit", as all do that are spiritually alive. Sin has not only brought on men a corporeal death, and made them liable to an eternal one, but has also induced...
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Ver. 25. _If we live in the spirit_] Spiritual men only are heirs of life, 1 Peter 3:7, all others are dead in trespasses. _ Let us walk_] W...
_If we live in_, or by, _the Spirit_ If we are indeed raised from the death of sin, and made alive to God by the operation of his Spirit, and if this spiritual life is continued to us by his indwellin...
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT; if our inner life be in the Spirit; that is, received from the Spirit, sustained by him, and conformed to him in character. LET US ALSO WALK IN THE SPIRIT; let our outward l...
The fruits of the Spirit:...
LIBERTY TO BE PRACTICED (vs.1-6) Chapter 4 dealt with the perfect freedom introduced by God Himself through Christ, freedom given to all who have been redeemed by His precious blood, freedom from the...
BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, Fruit of the Spirit is - Singular - one fruit, need all parts to have the fruit Love - Seek what is...
16-26 If it be our care to act under the guidance and power of the blessed Spirit, though we may not be freed from the stirrings and oppositions of the corrupt nature which remains in us, it shall no...
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT; if (as we profess) there is a union between the Holy Spirit of God and us, so as that Holy Spirit is to its the principle of our life, and we live more from him than from any...
If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk. [If we have been born and live in the Spirit, let us manifest that fact by our daily life, abstaining from evil. The especial evils mentioned...
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book III Be not deceived; God is not mocked. Let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not."[203] Clement of Alexandria Strom...
Galatians 5:25 If G1487 live G2198 (G5719) Spirit G4151 let G4748 also G2532 walk G4748 (G5725) Spirit...
FREEDOM IS NOT TO BE MISINTERPRETED AS LICENCE. THEY MUST WALK IN LOVE AND BY THE SPIRIT (GALATIANS 5:13). Paul now goes on to deal with the charge that the Gospel he is presenting gives men licence t...
‘If the Spirit has given us life, let us also walk step by step with the Spirit.' So those who claim to have received life from the Spirit, will reveal it by a daily walk under His guidance and contro...
_Walking by the Spirit. The Works of the Flesh and the Fruit of the Spirit._ Paul exhorts the Galatians to lead a truly Christian life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and contrasts the vices o...
Galatians 5:25. IF WE LIVE BY THE SPIRIT, LET US ALSO WALK BY THE SPIRIT. Application to the Galatians, Paul included. To live and to walk are related here as condition and action, or as the inward an...
BY THE SPIRIT LET US ALSO WALK (πνευματ κα στοιχωμεν). Present subjunctive (volitive) of στοιχεω, "Let us also go on walking by the Spirit." Let us make our steps by the help and guidance of the Sp...
Galatians 5:13. _For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another._ Do not turn your liberty into license. The apostle...
Remember, beloved brethren, that the Epistle to the Galatians is one in which Paul, with especial clearness, proves the doctrine of justification by faith alone. So much is this the case, that the fam...
Galatians 5:1. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ had made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Chris...
Galatians 5:1. _Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage._ «You are not under the law, but under grace. Do not subje...
CONTENTS: Liberty of the believer in Christ, apart from the law. Conflict of flesh and the Spirit. Christian character the result of the Spirit's work not self-effort. CHARACTERS: Christ, Holy Spirit...
Galatians 5:1. _Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,_ by the redemption he has procured through the shedding of his own most precious blood. The liberty of your cele...
THE SPIRIT. "The Spirit has given us lite (Titus 3:5) and we are free (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). Therefore, we must permit Him to control our lives, by actively following his instructions (Romans 8:5-9)...
_If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit._ (Cf. Galatians 5:16; Galatians 5:18.) I. The supposition. 1. We have been born of the Spirit. 2. We are living in the continual exercise...
GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 5:16 Life under the law expresses itself in the works of the flesh, but those who live by the Spirit bear fruit pleasing to God. ⇐...
GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 5:25 KEEP IN STEP WITH THE SPIRIT. A different verb than in v. Galatians 5:16. It means “walk in line behind a leader.”...
CHAPTER 5 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. S. Paul proceeds to urge the Galatians not to submit to the yoke of the Old Law, lest they be deprived of the fruits of Christ's righteousness, since in Him neit...
_If we live in the Spirit._ Ifwe have this inward life of grace, let us live outwardly as the Spirit dictates. The Greek word used here denotes to follow a settled plan or order. Cf. notes to chap iv....
_CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_ Galatians 5:22. THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.—The singular _fruit_, as compared with the plural _works_, suggests that the effect of the Spirit’s inworking is one harmoniou...
EXPOSITION GALATIANS 5:1 GALATIANS 5:2 BEHOLD, I PAUL SAY UNTO YOU (ἴδε, ἐγὼ Παῦλος λώγω ὑμῖν); _lo_,_ I Paul say unto you. _The adverbial exclamation ἴδε, found in St. Paul's writings on...
Shall we turn now to Galatians chapter five. The whole concept is: how do I establish a righteous standing before God? Can I be righteous by keeping the law? Or am I righteous by my simple faith in Je...
1 Corinthians 15:45; 1 Peter 4:6; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Galatians 5:16;...
Lipsius makes this verse the beginning of ch. 6. Weizsacker begins that chapter with ver. 26. There seems to be no sufficient reason. Ver. 25 is connected naturally with the immediately preceding line...
THE GRACES OF THE SPIRIT'S INDWELLING Galatians 5:14 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. The works of the flesh are manifest. It is not necessary for anyone to draw upon his imagination to describe the works of...
If we live by the Spirit — If we are indeed raised from the dead, and are alive to God, by the operation of his Spirit. Let us walk by the Spirit — Let us follow his guidance, in all our tempers, thou...
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT, that is, if the Spirit lives in us, if the holy Spirit of grace be the principle of our life, LET US WALK IN THE SPIRIT: that is, let us live and act under the conduct and gu...