Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)
John 16:1-11
to John 16:11. The conquest of the world by the Spirit.
to John 16:11. The conquest of the world by the Spirit.
CHAPTER XVI. _Christ warns his disciples, and foretells the persecutions_ _they should receive from the Jews_, 1-4. _Foretells his death, and promises them the Comforter_, 5-7. _Points out his ope...
THESE THINGS - The things spoken in the two previous chapters, promising them divine aid and directing them in the path of duty. BE OFFENDED - For the meaning of the word offend, see the notes at Matt...
CHAPTER 16 1. Persecutions Predicted. (John 16:1 .) 2. The Comforter and His Demonstration. (John 16:7 .) 3. Sorrow and joy. (John 16:16 .) 4. The Father Himself Loveth You. ...
JOHN 16. There is no break between chs. 15 and 16. Jesus has told them beforehand, so that His death and their suffering may not daunt their faith, as the Baptist was offended by the course of the min...
CHAPTER XVI. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORLD (John 16:1-33) 1. These things have. spoken unto you, that you should not be offended. "These things" may refer generally to all that the Lord has spoken i...
"I have spoken these things to you in case you should be caused to stumble in the way. They will excommunicate you from the synagogue. Yes, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think that h...
UNTO. to. THAT. in order that. Greek. _hina._ NOT. Greek. _me._ App-105. OFFENDED: literally scandalized, or caused to stumble. See John 6:61.Matthew 5:29; Matthew 11:6;...
The World and the Paraclete 1. _These things_ These discourses generally, especially the last section about the world's hatred of Him and them (John 15:18-27). _should not be offended_ Literally, _sh...
ΤΑΥ͂ΤΑ. These discourses generally, especially the last section, about the world’s hatred of Him and them: see on John 15:11; John 15:17. ΣΚΑΝΔΑΛΙΣΘΗ͂ΤΕ. The verb combines the notions of ‘trip up’ and...
ΛΕΛΆΛΗΚΑ _perf. ind. act. от_ ΛΑΛΈΩ (G2980) говорить, ΣΚΑΝΔΑΛΙΣΘΉΤΕ _aor. conj. pass. от_ ΣΚΑΝΔΑΛΊΖΩ (G4624) заставить оступиться (TDNT). _Conj._ с ΪΝ (G2443) выражает цель или результат....
THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN, &C.— "The things which I have now told you, concerning the hatred of the world, the reason of that hatred, the dishonour done by it to God, the punishment wherewith it shal...
TEACHING WHICH IS DARK AND FOREBODING _Text: John 16:1-11_ 1 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be caused to stumble. 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hou...
EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN John 16:1-11 The following is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— The chapter division between John 15 and 16 is scarcely a happy one, though perha...
These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU, THAT YE SHOULD NOT BE OFFENDED - or 'scandalized;' referring back both to the warnings and...
12 As the Lord had explained in His kingdom proclamation, the whole law was included in the one word, love. Love to God and love to man is far more than all the precepts of the law. So, in His final c...
16:1 offended. (a-13) Verb from _ skandalon_ . see Note, Matthew 13:57 ....
THE RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION OF CHRIST WILL PROVE THE DISCIPLES' COMFORT IN TIME OF PERSECUTION 1-6. The Persecution of the Apostles predicted. This section repeats many of the ideas of the previous...
OFFENDED] i.e. that your faith should not be shaken (RV 'made to stumble')....
THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU. — Comp. Note on John 15:17. Here, too, the reference is to the things which he had just said (John 16:17). He had foretold them of the hatred of the world and also...
XIV. _ THE SPIRIT CHRIST'S WITNESS._ "If the world hateth you, ye know that it hath hated Me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the...
THE WORK OF THE SPIRIT John 16:1-11 We gain by our losses. It was expedient for the disciples that the Lord should go, because the Spirit's presence was contingent upon His absence. The text needed t...
Throughout these discourses our Lord was preparing His disciples for all that He saw coming to them. He told them that they would have sorrow resulting from their suffering. Because of this, it was ne...
These (1) things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. (1) The ministers of the gospel must expect all types of reproaches, not only by those who are open enemies, but even by those...
Which the persecutions you will have to suffer, on the part of man, may possible occasion, particularly with the weak....
CHAPTER 23 THE VALEDICTORY SERMON John 14-16. Now that the Passover meal has been enjoyed, and that celebrated Mosaic institution totally eclipsed by bloody Calvary, normally verified and abolished f...
“ _I have spoken these things to you, that you may not be offended._ 2. _They shall put you out of their synagogues; yea, the hour is coming that whoever kills you will think that he is doing service...
These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. (2) They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service...
CONTENTS The Lord's Sermon is continued through this Chapter, and here it is ended. Jesus comforts his Disciples with many sweet and precious Promises, and again dwells upon the gracious consolations...
In John 15:1-27 our Lord substitutes Himself for Israel, as the plant of God, responsible to bear fruit for Him on earth (not merely for man, as such, openly sinful and lost). He takes the place of th...
1._These things I have spoken to you. _He again states that none of _those things which he has spoken _are superfluous; for, since wars and contests await them, it is necessary that they should be pro...
In chapter 16 a further step is taken in the revelation of this grace. The Holy Ghost is looked upon as already here below. In this chapter the Lord declares that He has set forth all His instruction...
THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU,.... Concerning the world's hatred and persecution of them, and the little regard they would show to their doctrine: these things Christ thought, proper to give the...
These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. Ver. 1. _That ye should not be offended_] As with a thing unexpected and intolerable. Darts foreseen are dintless. Crosses coming...
_These things have I spoken, that you should not be offended_ I have informed you beforehand concerning the opposition which you are to expect from the world, and the proportionable supports which you...
HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU; forewarning you of the persecutions that shall come upon you. OFFENDED; led to apostatize, or commit sin, to avoid suffering....
COMFORT AGAINST THE WORLD'S HATRED. The intensity of the world's hatred:...
All that the Lord spoke on that memorable night was intended for the preparation of His disciples for what would face them in view of His death, resurrection and return to the glory. There would be st...
1-6 Our Lord Jesus, by giving his disciples notice of trouble, designed that the terror might not be a surprise to them. It is possible for those who are real enemies to God's service, to pretend zea...
JOHN CHAPTER 16 1 THESSALONIANS 16:1 Christ warns his disciples of their sufferings for his sake. 1 THESSALONIANS 16:5 He comforteth them by a promise of the Holy Ghost....
John 16:1 things G5023 spoken G2980 (G5758) you G5213 that G3363 should G4624 not G3363 stumble G4624 ...
“These things have I spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of synagogues. Yes, the hour comes that whoever kills you will think that he offers service to God. And...
WARNINGS OF COMING PERSECUTION (JOHN 16:1). These verses continue the theme of John 15:20. There He had spoken of coming persecution so that when it came they would not be caused to stumble, but woul...
John 16:1. THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU, THAT YE MAY NOT BE MADE TO STUMBLE. The ‘things' referred to are especially those described in chap. John 15:18-27, and the verse is a pause (not the in...
We have already considered the circumstances under which the two Chapter s upon which we now enter were spoken; and, if we have been correct in the view taken of them, we are not to imagine that the f...
THAT YE SHOULD NOT BE MADE TO STUMBLE (ινα μη σκανδαλισθητε). Purpose clause with negative μη and first aorist passive of σκανδαλιζω, common verb in the Synoptics (Matthew 13:21) "the σκανδαλα of fa...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ The temptation is, when Christ is despised and rejected, for our hearts to begin to sink, and for our faith to fail....
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ That you should not be scandalized when you are put to suffering on any account that you should not dread the offence...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ «That you should not be scandalized when you see me put to death, and when you miss my bodily presence from your mids...
This chapter contains some of the most precious words that the Lord Jesus uttered before he died upon the cross. John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ Or,...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ Or, «made to stumble.» Christ would not have you who are his people caused to stumble by anything that happens to you...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God...
CONTENTS: Warning of persecutions. The promise of the Spirit and His three-fold work. Jesus talks of His death, resurrection and second coming. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, disciples. CONCLUS...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken, that ye should not be offended,_ so as to stumble and shrink back from the cause in which you are engaged. Expulsion from the synagogue was to a jew next to dea...
I HAVE TOLD YOU THIS. The things in _Chapter s 14 & 15._ The next few days would severely burden their faith, as would the persecutions in the coming years....
_These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended_ CHRIST’S REASONS FOR PRESENT SPEECH AND FORMER SILENCE I. OUR LORD’S LOVING REASON FOR HIS SPEECH. 1. The two statements of Joh_...
1-33 CHAPTER 16 VER. 1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ (1.) Some think that this refers to Matt. xxvi. 31, _All ye shall be offended because of Me this night._...
_EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL NOTES_ Chap. John 15:27. The Spirit does not teach historical facts, but reveals their true meaning. Hence the apostolic testimony and the testimony of the Spirit form but a...
EXPOSITION JOHN 16:1 (c) _The bitter issues of the hostility of the world_. JOHN 16:1 THESE THINGS. What things? Primarily the explanation he had given of the opposition and hatred of the world, a...
Shall we turn to John's gospel, chapter 16. Now, these words in the sixteenth chapter have to be understood with the background as Jesus has been in the upper room with His disciples. He has told them...
1 Corinthians 4:13; Acts 22:19; Acts 22:3; Acts 22:4; Acts 26:9;...
Be offended [σ κ α ν δ α λ ι σ θ η τ ε] Rev., made to stumble. In this Gospel only here and John 6:61. See on Matthew 5:29. Wyc, be not slandered....
THE HOLY SPIRIT CHAPTER John 16:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The sixteenth chapter of John contains a part of our Lord's last message before He went out to Gethsemane and on to the Cross. The disciples wer...
In the close of the foregoing chapter, our blessed Saviour had acquainted his disciples with the hatred and hard usage which they were likely to meet with in the world, and here he intimates to them t...