Friedrich Spitta (Zur Geschichte und Litteratur des Urchristentums, i. 157 ff.) believes that the second section of this chapter has been accidentally dislocated, and that its original order was as follows: (1) 12, 13, Jesus is brought: to Annas; (2) 19 23, He is examined before the high priest; (3) 24, 14, He is passed on to Caiaphas; (4) 15 18, 25 b 27, the triple denial of Peter; (5) 28, Jesus is sent to the Praetorium.

But this arrangement also has its difficulties. It requires us to suppose that Caiaphas had come to the house of Annas and conducted the examination recorded in 19 23, and that when it is said that Annas sent the prisoner to Caiaphas, after this examination, it is only meant that he sent Him to the house or palace of Caiaphas where the Sanhedrim sat.

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Old Testament