ὅτε οὖν … πνεῦμα. The cry, τετέλεσται, “it is finished,” was not the gasp of a worn-out life, but the deliberate utterance of a clear consciousness that His work was finished, and all God's purpose accomplished (John 17:4), that all had now been done that could be done to make God known to men, and to identify Him with men. παρέδωκε τὸ πνεῦμα, “gave up His spirit,” according to Luke 23:46, with an audible commendation of His spirit to the Father. ἀφῆκε πνεῦμα in Eurip., Hecuba, 569; ἀφῆκε τὴν ψυχήν Plut., Dem., xxix. 5.

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Old Testament