λέγει … ζητεῖς; That she was searching for some one she had lost was obvious from her tears and demeanour. But not even the voice of Jesus sounds familiar. Ἐκείνη … ἀρῶ. She supposed Him to be the gardener (or garden-keeper) not because He had on the gardener's clothes for probably He wore merely the short drawers in which He had been crucified (see Hug and Lücke) nor because He held the spade as represented in some pictures, but because no one else was likely to be there at that early hour and question her as to her reason for being there. Her answer shows that she thought it possible that it had been found inconvenient to have the body of Jesus in that tomb and that it had been removed to some other place of sepulture. In this case she will gladly relieve them of the encumbrance. It is none to her.

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Old Testament