The rest came in the little boat, οὐ γὰρ ἦσαν … ἰχθύων. Bengel correctly explains the γάρ, “Celeriter hi quoque venire poterant”. They were not far from the land, ἀλλʼ ὡς ἀπὸ πηχῶν διακοσίων, “about one hundred yards”. πηχῶν, says Phrynichus, is δεινῶς ἀνάττικον; we must use the form πηχέων. Observe the unconscious exactness of the eye-witness. For the Hellenistic construction with ἀπό. cf. John 11:18. The others came σύροντες … ἰχθύων, “hauling the net of the fishes,” or “netful of the fishes”; genitive of contents, like δέπας οἴνου, a cup of wine. It is needless, with Lücke, to complete the construction with μεστόν, cf. John 21:11.

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Old Testament