Among the masses (ἐν τοῖς ὄχλοις) there was γογγυσμὸς πολύς regarding Him; not “murmuring,” as R.V [59], but rather “whispering,” suppressed discussion in low tones, in corners, and among friends; “halblaute Mittheilung entgegengesetzter Ansichten” (Holtzmann), “viel im Volke über ihn herumgeredet” (Weizsäcker). Specimens of this talk are given: οἱ μὲν … ὄχλον. “Some said, He is a good man,” ἀγαθός, pure in motive and seeking to do good. “But others said, No: but He misleads the multitude” (Matthew 27:63; Luke 23:5), that is, seeks to ingratiate Himself with the people to serve His own ends. Οὐδεὶς … Ἰουδαίων. “No one, however, talked openly about Him, for fear of the Jews.” Until the Jews, the authorities, gave their decision, neither party dared to utter its opinion openly.

[59] Revised Version.

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