And then the Pharisees introduce their charge and its implication, Οὗτος … τηρεῖ. The miracle is not denied, rather affirmed, but it cannot be a work of God, for it has been done on Sabbath. Cf. John 3:2 and John 5:16. Some of their party, however, inclined to a different conclusion, Πῶς … ποιεῖν; How can such a work be done at all, whether on Sabbath or any other day, by a sinner? This breach of the Sabbath law must admit of explanation. It cannot arise from opposition to God. καὶ σχίσμα ἦν ἐν αὐτοῖς, as before among the people, John 7:43, so now among the authorities a pronounced and permanent cleft was apparent.

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Old Testament