ἐὰν δὲ : introducing supposition of an abuse of power, conceived possible even in the case of an apostle, of a Peter. Let no proud ecclesiastic therefore say, Is thy servant a dog? χρονίζει : a delayed παρουσία, a prominent thought in our Lord's later utterances. The delay may possibly be long enough to allow time for the utter demoralisation of even the higher officials. Vide on Mt. τοὺς παῖδας, etc., the men- and maidservants, instead of συνδούλους in Mt. διχοτομήσει : the retention of this strong word by Lk., who seems to have it for one of his aims to soften harsh expressions, is noticeable, especially when he understands it as referring to the Apostles, and even to Peter. It makes for the hypothesis that the word means not to cut into two as with a saw, but either to lash unmercifully, to cut to pieces in popular parlance, or to separate from the household establishment (Beza, Grotius, etc.). μετὰ τῶν ἀπίστων points to degradation from the confidential position of οἰκονόμος to a place among the unfaithful; dismissed, or imprisoned, or set to drudging service.

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Old Testament