τῇ ἀλώπεκι ταύτῃ, this fox; the fox revealed in this business, ostensibly the king, but in a roundabout way the would-be friends may be hit at (Euthy. Zig.). The quality denoted by the name is doubtless cunning, though there is no clear instance of the use of the fox as the type of cunning in the Scriptures elsewhere. σήμερον, etc.: this note of time is not to be taken strictly. Jesus is in the prophetic mood and speaks in prophetic style: to-day, to-morrow, and the third day symbolise a short time. τελειοῦμαι as to form may be either middle or passive. If middle it will mean: finish my healing (and teaching) ministry in Herod's territory (Galilee and Peraea). This meaning suits the connection, but against it is the fact that the verb is never used in a middle sense in N.T., and very rarely in classics. Taken passively it will mean: I am perfected by a martyr's death (Hebrews 11:40; Hebrews 12:23). Commentators are much divided between these meanings.

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Old Testament