λυσιτελεῖ (λύω, τέλος), it profits or pays; here only in N.T. = συμφέρει in Matthew 18:6. λίθος μυλικός, a millstone, not a great millstone, one driven by an ass (μύλος ὀνικὸς, T.R.), as in Mt.: the vehement emphasis of Christ's words is toned down in Lk. here as often elsewhere. The realistic expression of Mt. is doubtless truer to the actual utterance of Jesus, who would speak of the offences created by ambition with passionate abhorrence. περίκειται = perf. pass. of περιτίθημι in sense = has been placed; with ἔρριπται, another perfect, suggesting the idea of an action already complete the miscreant with a stone round his neck thrown into the sea. εἰς τὴν θάλασσαν : here again a subdued expression compared with Mt. ἢ ἵνα σκανδαλίσῃ, than to scandalise; the subj. with ἵνα = the infinitive. Vide Winer, § 44, 8.

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Old Testament