σταθεὶς, having taken his stand; fidenter loco solito (Bengel); “a sign less of confidence than of self-importance” (J. Weiss in Meyer). Probably both qualities are aimed at. πρὸς ἑαυτὸν : whether these words should be taken with σταθεὶς or with προσηύχετο is disputed. If the position of ταῦτα before πρὸς ἑ. in [139] [140] be accepted, there is no room for doubt. Hahn contends that the proper meaning of πρὸς ἑ. προσηύχετο is “prayed to himself,” and that there is no instance of the use of πρὸς ἑ. in the sense of “with himself”. Godet takes the phrase as = to himself, and regards the so-called prayer as simply self-congratulation in God's presence. οἱ λοιποὶ τ. ἀ.: not necessarily all mankind, rather all the Jewish world outside his coterie = am haarez. ἅρπαγες, etc. these hard words recall the elder brother's μετὰ πορνῶν (Luke 15:30). ἢ καὶ, or even, the publican pointed at as the ne plus ultra of depravity: the best foil to Pharisaic exemplariness.

[139] Codex Vaticanus (sæc. iv.), published in photographic facsimile in 1889 under the care of the Abbate Cozza-Luzi.

[140] Codex Regius--eighth century, represents an ancient text, and is often in agreement with א and B.

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