Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)
Luke 20:40
οὐκέτι γὰρ : the γὰρ, if the true reading, must mean: The scribes could do nothing but flatter (Luke 20:39), for they were so conscious of His power that they dared no longer ask captious questions.
οὐκέτι γὰρ : the γὰρ, if the true reading, must mean: The scribes could do nothing but flatter (Luke 20:39), for they were so conscious of His power that they dared no longer ask captious questions.
Verse Luke 20:40. _THEY DURST NOT ASK_] Or, _did not venture_ to ask any other question, for fear of being again confounded, as they had already been....
See the notes at Matthew 22:41....
CHAPTER 20 _ 1. His Authority Demanded and His Answer.(Luke 20:1)_ 2. Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen. (Luke 20:9) 3. Question about Tribute to Caesar. (Luke 20:20) 4. The Question Concerning Resu...
THE QUESTION OF THE RESURRECTION LIFE (Mark 12:18 *, Matthew 22:23 *). The first peculiarity in Lk.'s account is Luke 20:34_ a_, the contrast between people in this world and those deemed worthy to at...
BY WHAT AUTHORITY? (Luke 20:1-8)...
Some of the Sadducees, who say that there is no resurrection, came to Jesus and asked him, "Teacher, Moses wrote to us that, if a man's married brother dies without leaving any children, his brother m...
NOT. not any more. Greek. _ouketi._ Compound of _ou,_ App-105....
_they durst not ask him any question_ The total collapse of their stratagems enhanced our Lord's peril, by shewing how impossible it was for these rich and learned "pupils of the wise" to pose themsel...
ΟΥ̓ΚΈΤΙ … ἘΤΌΛΜΩΝ. The total collapse of their stratagems enhanced our Lord’s peril, by shewing how impossible it was for these rich and learned “pupils of the wise” to pose themselves as superiors to...
Ver 27. Then came to him certain of the Sadducees which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him, 28. Saying, Master, Moses wrote to us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he...
ΈΤΌΛΜΩΝ _impf. ind. act. от_ ΤΟΛΜΆΩ (G5111) осмеливаться, с _inf._ ΈΠΕΡΩΤΆΝ _praes. act. inf., см._ Luke 20:21. Эпэкз. _inf._...
THEY DURST NOT ASK HIM— It is plain that this is meant of the _Sadducees,_ and must be understood as limited to them, because in Matthew 22:35 we read of a question which one of the _Pharisaic scribes...
APPLEBURY'S COMMENTS _The Search For An Excuse Scripture_ Luke 20:19-47 And the scribes and the chief priests sought to lay hands on him in that very hour; and they feared the people: for they percei...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 4 Resurrection and the Grave (Luke 20:27-40) 27 There came to him some Sadducees, those who say that there is no resurrection, 28and they asked him a question, saying, Teac...
And they watched him, and sent forth spies, which should feign themselves just men, that they might take hold of his words, that so they might deliver him unto the power and authority of the governor...
24 Two kinds of coins were in circulation, the Roman and the Jewish. The temple taxes had to be paid in the Jewish shekel, the Roman in the foreign currency. The fact that they had accepted the conque...
THE SADDUCEES AND THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 22:23; Mark 12:18). See on Mt....
VARIOUS INCIDENTS OF THE LAST WEEK 1-8. The authority of Jesus challenged (Matthew 21:23; Mark 11:27). See on Mt....
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 20 THE QUESTION ABOUT JESUS’ AUTHORITY 20:1-8 V1 One day Jesus was in the *Temple. He was teaching the people and declaring the Good News. The chief...
THEY DURST NOT ASK HIM ANY QUESTION AT ALL. — The singular omission by St. Luke of the question which is recorded by St. Matthew (Matthew 22:34) and St. Mark (Mark 12:28), and which would have fallen...
THE GOD OF THE LIVING Luke 20:27-40 Here our Lord answers the materialism of His time. He speaks with the note of absolute certainty concerning the unseen, Hebrews 11:27. Its inhabitants do not die o...
This chapter records the remarkable happenings gathered around our Lord's entrance into the Temple. By a parable He revealed the awful sin and failure of the Hebrew nation, culminating in His own reje...
THE RESURRECTION Matthew 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40. “And certain ones of the Sadducees coming to Him, who deny that there is a resurrection, interrogated Him, saying, Teacher, Moses wrote...
_The Answer._ This answer is preceded in Matthew and Mark by a severe rebuke, whereby Jesus makes His questioners aware of the gross spiritual ignorance involved in such a question as theirs. The ans...
Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him, Saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die witho...
The last chapter gave in the judgment of present things, another world and eternal things in good and evil, the Lord's instruction for the disciples after the dealings of grace in Luke 15:1-32, and th...
It will be remarked here that, as He draws nigh to Jerusalem, the Lord weeps over the city. It is not now as in Matthew, where, while discoursing with the Jews, He points it out to them as that which...
AND AFTER THAT, THEY DURST NOT ASK HIM ANY QUESTION AT ALL. Neither the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, nor Herodians....
_Then came to him certain of the Sadducees_ These verses are explained at large, on Matthew 22:23, and Mark 12:18. _The children of this world_ The inhabitants of earth; _marry and are given in marria...
THEY; the Sadducees....
The counter-question of Jesus:...
AUTHORITY:FROM HEAVEN OR OF MEN? (vs.1-8) The chief priests and scribes used every means they could to discredit the Lord Jesus among the people. While He was teaching and preaching in the temple, th...
39-47 The scribes commended the reply Christ made to the Sadducees about the resurrection, but they were silenced by a question concerning the Messiah. Christ, as God, was David's Lord; but Christ, a...
Luke 20:40 But G1161 that G3765 dared G5111 (G5707) not G3765 question G1905 (G5721) Him G846 anymore...
‘For they dared not any more ask him any question.' And from then on no one dared to come to Him with any more questions in order to try to prove Him wrong and to discredit Him. They recognised that...
THE SADDUCEES AND THE RESURRECTION (20:27-40). Having made two attempts the Pharisees now withdrew for the time being in order to nurse their wounds. They were deeply chagrined, but unable to do anyth...
Luke 20:39-40. In this form Luke presents the victory of our Lord, which was connected with the last question put to Him by a lawyer. Matthew 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34....
Luke 20:27-40. THE QUESTION OF THE SAD-DUCEES. See on Matthew 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27....
In this section Luke records the assault of the Sadducees respecting the resurrection (Luke 20:27-40); then omitting the lawyer's question, he tells of our Lord's unanswered question respecting _Chris...
THEY DURST NOT ANY MORE (ουκετ ετολμων ουδεν). Double negative and imperfect active of τολμαω. The courage of Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians vanished....
CONTENTS: Jesus' authority questioned. Parable of the vineyard. Question of the tribute money. Answer to Sadducees about resurrection. Jesus questions Scribes. CHARACTERS: Jesus, priests, Scribes, Jo...
Luke 20:2. _Tell us, by what authority doest thou these things._ A question after all his miracles which offered the foulest insult to God, and was the emanation of complot and of malice. See Matthew...
SOME SADDUCEES CAME TO JESUS. For notes on this question about Rising from Death, see Matthew 22:23-33....
CHAPTER 20 VER. 36. _They are equal unto the angels._ So the Arabic, Syriac, Egyptian, Persian, and Ethiopic; equal in celibacy, immortality, glory. As therefore the angels do not marry nor generate,...
_And after that they durst not ask Him any question at all._ That is the Sadducees, for the Pharisees asked Him afterwards which was the greatest commandment, as we find from Matthew 22:35....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 20:27. SADDUCEES.—Members of the aristocratic and wealthy class, which included the higher ranks of the priesthood. It is a popular error, based on a statement of Jerome’s, that...
EXPOSITION LUKE 20:1 _Question of the priests and scribes as to the nature of the authority under which Jesus was acting._ LUKE 20:1, LUKE 20:2...
We are in the final week of the life of Jesus. He is now in Jerusalem. This is the week in which pilgrims are coming from all over the world to celebrate the Feast of the Passover. He has made His tri...
Mark 12:34; Matthew 22:46; Proverbs 26:5...
They durst not ask him any question — The Sadducees durst not. One of the scribes did, presently after....