παμπληθεί : adverb, from παμπληθής (here only in N.T.) = in the whole-mob style, giving a vivid idea of the overpowering shout raised. αἶρε τοῦτον, take away this one, i.e., to the cross. ἀπόλυσον, release; if ye will release some one (Luke 23:16, ἀπολύσω) let it be Barabbas. Lk. makes this demand the voluntary act of the people. In the parallels (vide there) it is suggested to them by Pilate (Mt.), and urged on them by the priests. In Lk. s narrative the behaviour of the people is set in a dark light, while both Pilate and the priests are treated with comparative mildness. In view of Israel's awful doom, Lk. says in effect: the people have suffered for their own sin.

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Old Testament