The sense of this proverbial phrase is obscure, but the connection demands this general idea: what is happening to me now is nothing to what is going to happen to this people. The green tree represents innocence, the dry tree guilt, ripe for the fire of judgment. Vide Ezekiel 20:47; Ezekiel 21:3. Pricaeus cites as a parallel from Catullus: “quid facient crines quum ferro talia cedant?” The Rabbinical proverb, “si duo fuerint ligna arida et unum viride, arida illud lignum viride exurunt,” does not seem to bear the same meaning. ἐν ὑγρῷ ξύλῳ, in the wet tree, in ligno humido, Grotius. ξύλον χλωρὸν = lignum viride, in Ezekiel.

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Old Testament