σήμερον : to be connected with what follows, not with λέγω = to-day, as opposed to a boon expected at some future time (which makes for the reading ἐν τῇ β. in Luke 23:42). Or the point may be: this very day, not tomorrow or the next day, as implying speedy release by death, instead of a slow lingering process of dying, as often in cases of crucifixion. ἐν τῷ παραδείσῳ, in paradise; either the division of Hades in which the blessed dwell, which would make for the descensus ad inferos, or heaven; vide at Luke 16:23, and cf. 2 Corinthians 12:4, where it is a synonym for heaven, and Revelation 2:7, where it denotes the perfected Kingdom of God, the ideal state of bliss realised. The use of “paradise” in this sense is analogous to the various representations in Hebrews of the perfect future drawn from the primeval condition of man: lordship in the world to come, deliverance from the fear of death, a Sabbatism (Hebrews 2:8; Hebrews 2:14; Hebrews 4:9). The use of the term παράδεισος by St. Paul makes its use by our Lord credible.

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Old Testament