Luke 24 - Introduction

CHAPTER 24. THE RESURRECTION. In this narrative Lk. diverges widely from Mt. and Mk. both as to the appearances of the Risen Christ he reports and as to the scene of these. Specially noticeable is the limitation of the Christophanies to the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, Galilee being left out of acc... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:1

τῇ δὲ μ. τ. σ.: the δὲ answers to the μὲν in the preceding clause (Luke 23:56) and carries the story on without any break. The T.R. properly prints the clause introduced by τῇ δὲ as part of the sentence beginning with καὶ τὸ μὲν, dividing the two clauses by a comma. ὄρθρου βαθέως (βαθέος, T. R., a c... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:2

τὸν λίθον, the stone, not previously mentioned by Lk., as in Mt. and Mk.; nor does he (as in Mk.) ascribe to the women any solicitude as to its removal: enough for him that they found it rolled away.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:3

εἰσελθοῦσαι δὲ : this is obviously a better reading than καὶ εἰσ. (T.R.), which implies that they found what they expected, whereas the empty grave was a surprise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:4

ἄνδρες, two _men_ in appearance, but with angelic raiment (ἐν ἐσθῆτι ἀστραπτούσῃ).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:5

ἐμφόβων, fear-stricken, from ἔμφοβος, chiefly in late writers, for ἐν φόβῳ εἶναι. _Vide_ Hermann, _ad Viger._, p. 607. τὸν ζῶντα, the living one, simply pointing to the fact that Jesus was risen: no longer among the dead. μετὰ τῶν νεκρῶν, among the dead. The use of μετὰ in the sense of among, with t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:6

μνήσθητε, etc.: the reference is to what Jesus told the disciples in the neighbourhood of Caesarea Philippi (9). There is no indication elsewhere that women were present on that occasion. ὡς : not merely “that,” but “how,” in what terms. ἐν τῇ Γαλιλαίᾳ : this reference to Galilee suggests that Lk. w... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:7

τὸν υἱὸν τ. ἀ.: standing before ὅτι δεῖ may be taken as an accusative of reference = saying as to the Son of Man that, etc. ἀνθρώπων ἁμαρτωλῶν, sinful men, not necessarily Gentiles only (Meyer, J. Weiss, etc.), but men generally (Hahn) Jesus actually expressed Himself in much more definite terms.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:9

ἀπήγγειλαν, etc.: _cf._ the statement in Mark 16:8, according to which the women said nothing to any person.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:11

ἐφάνησαν : plural with a neuter pl. nom. (τὰ ῥήματα), denoting things without life (_vide_ John 19:31), because the “words,” reports, are thought of in their separateness (_vide_ Winer, § lviii., 3 a). λῆρος : here only in N.T. = idle talk, not to be taken seriously.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:12

_Peter runs to the sepulchre_. This verse, omitted in [202] and some copies of the old Latin version, is regarded by some as an interpolation. For Rohrbach's theory _vide_ notes on the appendix to Mark's Gospel (Luke 16:9-20). ἀναστὰς, rising up, suggesting prompt action, like the man; as if after a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:13

ff. δύο ἐξ αὐτῶν, two of _them_. The reference ought naturally to be to the last-named subject, the Apostles (Luke 24:10); yet they were evidently not Apostles. Hence it is inferred that the reference is to τοῖς λοιποῖς in Luke 24:9. Feine (also J. Weiss) thinks the story had been originally given i... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:13-35

_On the way to Emmaus_ : in Lk. only, and one of the most beautiful and felicitous narratives in his Gospel, taken, according to J. Weiss (in Meyer), from Feine's precanonical Luke. Feine, after Holtzmann, remarks on the affinities in style and religious tone between it and Luke 1:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:15

συζητεῖν. This word, added to ὁμιλεῖν to describe the converse of the two disciples, suggests lively discussion, perhaps accompanied by some heat. One might be sceptical, the other more inclined to believe the story of the resurrection.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:16

ἐκρατοῦντο, their eyes _were held_, from recognising Him (here only in this sense). Instances of the use of the verb in this sense in reference to the bodily organs are given by Kypke. It is not necessary, with Meyer, to suppose any special Divine action or purpose to prevent knowledge of Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:17

ἀντιβάλλετε : an expressive word (here only in N.T.), confirming the impression of animated and even heated conversation made by συζητεῖν. It points to an exchange of words, not simply, but with a certain measure of excitement. As Pricaeus expresses it: “fervidius aliquanto et commotius, ut fieri am... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:18

ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ : at last after recovering from surprise one of them, Cleopas, finds his tongue, and explains fully the subject of their conversation. Σὺ μόνος, etc.: he begins by expressing his surprise that the stranger should need to be told. What could they be talking about but the one supreme top... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:19

ποῖα, what sort of things? with an affected indifference, the feigning of love οἱ δὲ εἶπον : both speak now, distributing the story between them. ἀνὴρ προφήτης, a prophetic man, a high estimate, but not the highest. ἀνὴρ may be viewed as redundant “eleganter abundat,” Kypke.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:20

ὅπως τε, and how; ὅπως here = πῶς, used adverbially with the indicative, here only in N.T. The τε connects what follows with what goes before as together constituting one complete tragic story: the best of men treated as the worst by the self-styled good. καὶ ἐσταύρωσαν : this confirms the idea sugg... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:21

ἡμεῖς δὲ, but _we_, on the other hand, as opposed to the priests and rulers. ἠλπίζομεν, were hoping; the hope dead or in abeyance now. But how wide asunder these disappointed ones from the rulers, ethically, in that they could regard such an one as Jesus as the Redeemer of Israel! λυτροῦσθαι is to b... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:22

ἀλλὰ καὶ γ. τ.: introducing another hope-inspiring phase of the story. ἐξέστησαν ἡ., astonished us. ὀρθριναὶ : ὀρθρινός is a late form for ὄρθριος, and condemned by Phryn.; the adjective instead of the adverb = early ones, a common classical usage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:23

μὴ εὑροῦσαι, etc.: that part of the women's story the body gone is accepted as a fact; their explanation of the fact is regarded as doubtful, as appears from the cautious manner of expression. λέγουσαι, etc., they came _saying_ that they had also seen a _vision_ of angels who _say_. Yet the use of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:24

τινες τῶν σὺν ἡμῖν : a general reference to the Apostles, though the phrase covers all the lovers of Jesus. The τινες were Peter and John (John 20:3). αὐτὸν δὲ οὐκ εἶδον, but Him they saw not, as surely, think the two friends, they ought to have done had He really been alive from the dead.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:25

f. _Jesus speaks_. ἀνόητοι, “fools” (A.V [205]) is too strong, “foolish men” (R.V [206]) is better. Jesus speaks not so much to reproach as by way of encouragement. As used by Paul in Galatians 3:1 the word is harder. “Stupid” might be a good colloquial equivalent for it here. πιστεύειν ἐπὶ π.: ἐπὶ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:26

ἔδει : here as always in Lk. pointing to the necessity that O.T. prophecy should be fulfilled. Accordingly Jesus is represented in the next verse as going on to show that prophecy demanded the course of experience described: first the passion, then entrance into glory. καὶ εἰσελθεῖν : the passion is... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:27

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ, etc.: there is a grammatical difficulty here also. He might begin from Moses, but how could He begin from Moses and all the prophets? Hahn, after Hofmann, suggests that Moses and the prophets together are set in contrast to the rest of the O.T. But Lk. seems to have in mind not so... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:28

προσεποιήσατο, He assumed the air of one going farther. The verb in the active means to bring about that something shall be acquired by another, in middle, by oneself = “meum aliquid facio” (Alberti, _Observ. Phil., ad loc._). Jesus wished to be invited to stay.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:29

παρεβιάσαντο, they constrained by entreaty, again in Acts 16:15, found in Genesis 19:9. μεθʼ ἡμῶν, with us, presumably in their home or lodgings. If they were but guests they could not well invite another. πρὸς ἑσπέραν, κέκλικεν ἡ ἡ.: two phrases where one was enough, by way of pressing their fellow... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:30

λαβὼν τ. α., etc.: Jesus possibly by request assumes the position of host, prepared for by the previous exercise of the function of Master. By this time a suspicion of who He was had dawned upon the two disciples. While He spoke old impressions of His teaching were revived (Pricaeus).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:31

διηνοίχθησαν οἱ ὀφ., their eyes were at length opened, a Divine effect, but having its psychological causes. Euthy. suggests the use of the well-known blessing by Jesus as aiding recognition. The opening of the mind to the prophetic teaching concerning Messiah's suffering was the main preparation fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:32

ἡ καρδία καιομένη, the heart burning, a beautiful expression for the emotional effect of new truth dawning on the mind; common to sacred writers (_vide_ Psalms 39:4; Jeremiah 20:9) with profane. Their heart began to burn while the stranger expounded Scripture, and kept burning, and burning up into e... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:33

αὐτῇ τῇ ὥρᾳ : no time lost, meal perhaps left half finished, no fear of a night journey; the eleven must be told at once what has happened. “They ran the whole way from overjoy” (ὑπὸ περιχαρείας), Euthy. Zig.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:34

λέγοντας : the apostolic company have their story to tell: a risen Lord seen by one of their number. The two from Emmaus would not be sorry that they had been forestalled. It would be a welcome confirmation of their own experience. On the other hand, the company in Jerusalem would be glad to hear th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:37

πνεῦμα, a spirit, _i.e._, a form recognisable as that of Jesus, but of Jesus not risen but come from the world of the dead disembodied or only with an apparent body; therefore they were terrified at the sight, notwithstanding what they had heard.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:38

τί τεταραγμένοι ἐστέ; why are ye disturbed? or _about what_ are ye disturbed? taking τί as object of τεταρ. (Schanz).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:39

τὰς χεῖράς μου, etc.: Jesus shows His hands and feet with the wounds to satisfy them of His identity (ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι αὐτός). Then He bids them touch Him (ψηλαφήσατέ με) to satisfy themselves of His substantiality. ἴδετε, see with the mind; with the eye in case of the preceding ἴδετε. ὅτι : either _tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:41

ἀπὸ τῆς χαρᾶς, a psychological touch quite in Lk.'s manner. _Cf._ Luke 22:45 : there asleep from grief, here unbelievers from joy. Hahn takes χαρά objectively. τι βρώσιμον, anything eatable, here only in N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:42

ἀπὸ μελισσίου κηρίου, of a bee-comb. The adjective μελ. occurs nowhere else. κηρίον is the diminutive of κηρός. The words are probably a gloss.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:43

That Jesus ate is carefully stated. The materiality thus evinced seems inconsistent with the pneumatic nature of Christ's body as suggested by sudden appearing and departure, and with the immortal form of embodied life generally. Hahn suggests that the materiality was assumed by Jesus for the moment... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:44-49

_Parting words_. εἶπε δὲ αὐτοῖς : it is at this point, if anywhere, that room must be made for an extended period of occasional intercourse between Jesus and His disciples such as Acts 1:3 speaks of. It is conceivable that what follows refers to another occasion. But Lk. takes no pains to point that... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:45

points to detailed exposition of Messianic texts, generally referred to in Luke 24:44, as in the case of the two brethren.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:46

gives the conclusion of the expository discourse in Christ's own words (καὶ εἶπεν, ὅτι) = the gist of prophecy is: the suffering and resurrection of the Christ, and the preaching in the name of the Risen One, to all nations, of repentance unto the remission of sins.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:47

ἀρξάμενοι : this well-approved reading gives a satisfactory sense. We have to suppose a pause and then Jesus resuming says to the eleven “beginning,” the implied though not expressed thought being: this preaching of repentance to the nations is to be your work; or go ye and do this beginning at Jeru... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:48

μάρτυρες τ., the witnessing function refers mainly to the resurrection, not exclusively as Luke 1:2 shows.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:49

τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν τ. π.: the promise is the Spirit spoken of in prophetic oracles (Isaiah 44:1; Joel 2:28, etc.). καθίσατε, sit still, patiently but with high hope. ἕως οὗ : without ἄν, because the power is expected to come without fail. ἐνδύσησθε : till ye be _invested_, a natural figure, and no mere... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:50

ἐξήγαγε : does this imply that Jesus walked through the streets of Jerusalem towards Bethany visible to all? Assuming that it does, some (_e.g._, Holtz. in H. C.) find here a contradiction of the statement in Acts 10:41 that Jesus was manifested after His resurrection only to chosen witnesses. ἕξω :... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:51

διέστη, parted; taken by itself the verb might point merely to a temporary separation, but even apart from the next clause, referring to the ascension, it is evidently meant to denote a final leave-taking. καὶ ἀνεφέρετο, etc.: the absence of this clause from [211] [212] and some old Latin codd. may... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:52

μετὰ χαρᾶς μεγάλης, with great joy, the joy of men convinced that their Lord was risen and gone up to glory, and that great events were impending in connection with the promise of the Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:53

διὰ παντὸς (χρόνου understood), continually, _i.e._, at the hours of worship when the temple was open. By frequenting the temple the disciples remained faithful to the programme “beginning at Jerusalem”. To the Jew first, and _with_ the Jew as far and as long as possible: such was Lk.'s habitual att... [ Continue Reading ]

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