μηδὲν πλέον παρὰ : this mode of expressing comparison (usual in mod. Grk.) is common to Lk. and the Ep. to Heb. (Luke 1:4, etc.), and has been used in support of the view that Lk. wrote Heb. “Non improbabilis videtur mihi eorum opinio qui Lucae eam Ep. adjudicant,” Pricaeus. πράσσετε, make, in a sinister sense, exact, exigite, Beza. Kypke quotes Julius Pollux on the vices of the publicans, one being παρεισπράττων, nimium exigens, and remarks that this word could not be better explained than by the phrase in Lk., πράττων π. π. τὸ διατ.

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Old Testament