Σίμωνα : here follows the list much the same as in Mt. and Mk. Lk., though he has already called Simon, Peter (Luke 5:8), here mentions that Jesus gave him the name. In the third group of four Judas Jacobi takes the place of Thaddaeus in Mk. and Lebbaeus in Mt. and Simon the Kananite is called Simon the Zealot. Of Judas Iscariot it is noted that he became a traitor, “turned traitor” (Field, Ot. Nor.). προδότης has no article, and therefore should not be rendered the traitor as in A. V [62] and R. V [63] When the verb is used it is always παραδιδόναι.

[62] Authorised Version.

[63] Revised Version.

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Old Testament