λέγω ὑμῖν : here as elsewhere Lk. omits the Hebrew ἀμὴν, and he otherwise alters and tones down the remarkable statement about John, omitting the solemn ἐγήγερται, and inserting, according to an intrinsically probable reading; though omitted in the best MSS. (and in W.H [75]), προφήτης, so limiting the wide sweep of the statement. Lk.'s version is secondary. Mt.'s is more like what Jesus speaking strongly would say. Even if He meant : a greater prophet than John there is not among the sons of women, He would say it thus: among those born of women there hath not arisen a greater than John, as if he were the greatest man that ever lived. ὁ δὲ μικ. On this vide at Mt.

[75] Westcott and Hort.

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Old Testament