ἀλλὰ, but; change in tone and topic; gazing longer into the empty grave would serve no purpose: there is something to be done go, spread the news! Cf. John 14:31 : But … arise, let us go hence! καὶ τῷ Πέτρῳ, and to Peter in particular: why? to the disciple who denied his Master? so the older interpreters to Peter, with all his faults, the most important man in the disciple band? so most recent interpreters: ut dux Apostolici coetus, Grotius. ὅτι, recit., introducing the very message of the angel. The message recalls the words of Jesus before His death (chap. Mark 14:28). ἐκεῖ, there, pointing to Galilee as the main scene of the reappearing of Jesus to His disciples, creating expectation of a narrative by the evangelist of an appearance there, which, however, is not forthcoming.

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Old Testament