Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)
Mark 3:9
ἵνα πλοιάριον προσκαρτερῇ : a boat to be always in readiness, to get away from the crowds. Whether used or not, not said; shows how great the crowd was.
ἵνα πλοιάριον προσκαρτερῇ : a boat to be always in readiness, to get away from the crowds. Whether used or not, not said; shows how great the crowd was.
Verse Mark 3:9. _A SMALL SHIP_] πλοιαριον. _The lytil boot_, Old English MS. It was doubtless something of the _boat_ kind, which probably belonged to some of the disciples. Our Lord was at this time...
A SMALL SHIP - Rather a “boat.” There were properly speaking, no “ships” on the Sea of Tiberias. This was probably a small boat that belonged to the disciples, in which he could draw off from the shor...
CHAPTER 3 _ 1. In the synagogue. The man with the withered hand healed. (Mark 3:1. Matthew 12:9; Luke 6:6 .)_ 2. The Withdrawal of the Servant. Many healed. ...
An editorial paragraph descriptive of the new development in the ministry. It is made up of popular generalizations, from which we gather that Jesus had to protect Himself against growing crowds by re...
So Jesus withdrew to the lakeside with his disciples, and a great multitude from Galilee followed him; and from Judaea and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea and from the Transjordan country, and from t...
THE CLASH OF IDEAS (Mark 3:1-6)...
DISCIPLES. See note on Mark 6:30. BECAUSE OF. on account of. Greek. _dia._ App-104.Mark 3:2. MULTITUDE. crowd. Not the same word an in verses: Mark 3:7; Mar
_a small ship_ The life on the sea, in the ship which was now His chief place of instruction in opposition to the synagogue, henceforth had its commencement....
ΕἾΠΕΝ ΤΟΙ͂Σ ΜΑΘΗΤΑΙ͂Σ. _He told His disciples_. He gave orders to that effect. ἽΝΑ ΠΛΟΙΆΡΙΟΝ ΠΡΟΣΚΑΡΤΕΡΗ͂Ι. This defines the purport rather than the purpose of the request or command; cf. Mark 3:10; M...
7–12. WITHDRAWAL TO THE SEA OF GALILEE Matthew 12:5-21; Luke 6:17-19 The three accounts are here very independent and there is not much similarity of wording. It is clear from the context that Matthe...
Ver 6. And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against Him, how they might destroy Him. 7. But Jesus withdrew Himself with His disciples to the sea: and a great m...
_JESUS CHOOSES HIS TWELVE APOSTLES MARK 3:7-19:_ Jesus went to the shore of the lake with His disciples. A large crowd followed Him there. The people from many places heard of the things that Jesus wa...
ΠΛΟΙΆΡΙΟΝ (G4142) demin. маленькая лодка, ΠΡΟΣΚΑΡΤΕΡΉ _praes. conj. act. от_ ΠΡΟΣΚΑΡΤΕΡΈΩ (G4342) с _dat._ привязываться к кому-л., подстерегать. Смысл в том, что лодка нужна была Иисусу как убежище...
9. THE FAME OF JESUS 3:7-12 _TEXT 3:7-12_ And Jesus with his disciples withdrew to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed: and from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and beyo...
And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand. For the exposition, see the notes at Matthew 12:9....
WITHDRAWAL OF JESUS. MULTITUDES HEALED. See on Matthew 12:15. St. Mark's account is much fuller. Observe here (_a_) the extraordinary sensation made by the appearance of Jesus, as shown by the great d...
CHOICE OF THE TWELVE 1-6. The withered hand (Matthew 12:9; Luke 6:6). See on Mt....
CHRIST IN THE BIBLE: MARK’S GOSPEL _KEITH SIMONS_ This commentary HAS BEEN through Advanced Checking. CHAPTER 3 THE DAY FOR REST VERSES 1-5 Jesus obeyed God, his father, completely. Jesus did...
THAT A SMALL SHIP SHOULD WAIT ON HIM. — The fact thus mentioned incidentally shows that in what is recorded in Matthew 13:2 our Lord was but having recourse to a practice already familiar....
CHAPTER 3:7-19 (MARK 3:7) THE CHOICE OF THE TWELVE "And Jesus with His disciples withdrew to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed: and from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea,...
THE LORD OF THE SABBATH Mark 2:23-28; Mark 3:1-19 The ritualist demands the outward, the conventional, the ancient usage of the past. Christ says, “Be natural.” The needs of man, whether of body or...
This is one of the few occasions on which it is said that Christ was angry. Particularly note the reason for His anger: "When He had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved at the hardeni...
And he spake to his disciples, that a small ship should (g) wait on him because of the multitude, lest they should throng him. (g) Should always be ready for him....
WONDERFUL FAME OF JESUS He has again reached the sea of Galilee, so exceedingly conspicuous in His ministry. I spent two bright autumnal days sailing over this sea, so delighted to traverse, drink, a...
(7) But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judea, (8) And from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and _from_ beyond Jordan: and th...
It is remarkable how tradition has contrived to injure the truth in touching the question of the method of the gospel we now enter on; for the current view which comes down to us from the ancients, st...
Such was the question raised in the synagogue (chapter 3) on the occasion of the man with the withered hand. The Lord sets it publicly before their conscience; but neither heart nor conscience answere...
AND HE SPAKE UNTO HIS DISCIPLES,.... In an authoritative way; he ordered and commanded them, THAT A SMALL SHIP SHOULD WAIT ON HIM: that a boat should be got ready, be near at hand, and attend him, wh...
And he spake to his disciples, that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude, lest they should throng him. Ver. 9. _Lest they should throng him_] Gr. θλιβωσιν, afflict him, press, or...
_And the Pharisees went forth_, &c. From Matthew's observing that _they held a council against him_, it seems probable that those of them, with the scribes, who were present at this miracle, were memb...
Miracles of healing:...
We have seen that the sabbath was made for the purpose of ministering to the needs of men. Now the Lord in the synagogue encountered a man who was in manifestly serious need. But his need meant nothin...
6-12 All our sicknesses and calamities spring from the anger of God against our sins. Their removal, or the making them blessings to us, was purchased to us by the blood of Christ. But the plagues and...
Mark 3:9 So G2532 told G2036 (G5627) His G846 disciples G3101 that G2443 boat G4142 ready G4342 ...
‘And he requested his disciples that a small boat should await on him because of the crowd lest they press in on him, for he had healed many with the result that as many as had diseases pressed in on...
THE SECTION CONCLUDES WITH A SUMMARY OF THE CONTINUING MINISTRY (3:7-35). The first major section of Mark's Gospel (from Mark 1:1 to Mark 3:35) now concludes with: · A description of the continuing...
AMAZING SUCCESS BRINGS FERVENT OPPOSITION FROM HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS (3:7-21). Jesus' success expands as He continues to build up His forces for the proclamation of the truth and against the powers...
CHRONOLOGY. See on Matthew 11:1-21. These events took place just before the choosing of the Twelve (Mark 2:14, etc.). On the theory of a three years' ministry in Galilee, they occurred shortly after t...
Mark 3:9. THAT A SMALL BOAT. The original refers to a boat even smaller than the usual fishing-boats. WAIT ON HIM. Be constantly at His service. BECAUSE OF THE CROWD. A different word from ‘multitu...
THAT A LITTLE BOAT SHOULD WAIT ON HIM (ινα πλοιαριον προσκαρτερη αυτω). The boat was to keep close (note present tense subjunctive of προσκαρτερεω) to the shore in constant readiness and move as Je...
CONTENTS: Jesus heals a withered hand on the Sabbath. Multitudes healed. The twelve chosen. The unpardonable sin. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan, disciples, man with the withered hand, Mary, J...
Mark 3:13. _He calleth to him whom he would._ He knew them as he knew Nathaniel; he knew their piety, he knew their worth. They followed him at first as hearers, having no thoughts of the glory that w...
_A small ship._ CHRIST WAS ALWAYS WILLING TO ACCEPT SERVICE He borrowed a boat, an ass, a grave. He accepted a draught of water from a well, a few fishes from a net, and the money of those women who...
LARGE CROWDS FOLLOW JESUS MATTHEW 12:15-21; MARK 3:7-12; MATTHEW 12:15 But when Jesus knew [_it_], he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;...
_That a little ship should wait upon Him._ Gr. _προσκαρτερη̃_, _i.e._, should be close at hand, that He might betake Himself to it when the multitude pressed upon Him....
CHAPTER 3 1 _Christ healeth the withered hand_, 10 _and many other infirmities_ : 11 _rebuketh the unclean spirits_ : 13 _chooseth his twelve apostles_ : 22 _convinceth the blasphemy of casting out de...
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ Mark 3:7. Mark several times notes the Saviour’s seasons of retirement from public notice, either (as in this instance) to escape the pursuit of enemies, or for rest, o...
EXPOSITION This chapter begins with the record of another case of healing on the sabbath day; and it closes with the notice of a combination of the Pharisees with the Herodians to bring about the des...
And he entered again into the synagogue(Mark 3:1); This was on the Sabbath day. and there was a man there which had a withered hand. And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day...
John 6:15; Mark 5:30...
THE MAN WITH THE WITHERED HAND Mark 3:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We are giving a study in the Book of Mark which will carry some splendid suggestions for the student. Every Sunday morning we see a large...