ὡς κόκκῳ : ὡς stands for ὁμοιώσωμεν = let us liken it to a grain, etc.; κόκκον would depend on θῶμεν. ὃς ὃταν σπαρῇ … καὶ ὅταν σπαρῇ : the construction of this passage as given in critical texts is very halting, offering a very tempting opportunity for emendation to the scribes who in the T. R. have given us a very smooth readable text (vide A. V [30]). Literally it runs thus: “which when it is sown upon the earth, being the least of all the seeds upon the earth. and when it is sown,” etc. The R. V [31] improves this rugged sentence somewhat by substituting “yet” for “and” in last clause. It is hardly worth while attempting to construe the passage. Enough that we see what is meant. In the twice used ὅταν σπαρῇ, the emphasis in the first instance lies on ὅταν, in the second on σπαρῇ (Bengel, Meyer). By attending to this we get the sense: which being the least of all seeds when it is sown or at the time of sowing, yet when it is sown, after sowing, springs up, etc. μικρότερον ὂν is neuter by attraction of σπερμάτων, though κόκκῳ going before is masculine.

[30] Authorised Version.

[31] Revised Version.

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Old Testament