καὶ ὃς ἆν τ.… ὑμῶν; another instance of inconsequent construction beginning with a relative clause and passing into a conditional one = and whatever place does not receive you, if (ἐάν understood) they, its people, do not listen to you (so Schanz and Weiss in Meyer). ὑποκάτω, the dust that is under your feet, instead of ἐκ and ἀπὸ in Matthew and Luke. The dust of their roads adhering to your feet, shake it off and leave it behind you. Mark 6:12-13 report the carrying out of the mission by the Twelve through preaching and healing. ἵνα μετανοῶσιν : the burden of their preaching was, Repent. Luke has the more evangelic term, εὐαγγελιζόμενοι. The other aspect of their ministry is summed up in the expulsion of many demons, and the cure of many suffering from minor ailments, ἀρρώστους (cf. Mark 6:5). In Mark's account the powers of the Twelve appear much more restricted than in Matthew (cf. Mark 10:8). The use of oil in healing (ἐλαίῳ) is to be noted. Some have regarded this as a mark of late date (Baur). Others (Weiss, Schanz) view it as a primitive practice (vide James 5:14). Many conjectural opinions have been expressed as to the function or significance of the oil. According to Lightfoot and Schöttgen it was much used at the time by physicians.

The instructions to the Twelve present an interesting problem in criticism and comparative exegesis. It is not improbable that two versions of these existed and have been drawn upon by the synoptists, one in the Logia of Matthew, reproduced, Weiss thinks, substantially in Luke 10 (mission of Seventy), the other in Mark 6, used (Weiss) in Luke 9:1-6. Matthew, according to the same critic, mixes the two. Similarly Holtzmann, who, however, differs from Weiss in thinking the two versions entirely independent. Weiss reconstructs the original version of the Logia thus:

1.Matthew 9:38 = Luke 10:2, prayer for labourers.

2.Luke 10:3 = go forth, I send you as lambs among wolves.

3.Matthew 10:5-6, go not to Samaria, but to Israel only.

4.Luke 10:4-11, detailed instructions.

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Old Testament