reproduces the logion in Matthew 10:33 concerning being ashamed of Jesus, which does not find a place here in Mt.'s version. In Mt.'s form it is the outward ostensible act of denial that is animadverted on; here the feeling of shame, which is its cause Mark 9:1. καὶ ἔλεγεν αὐτοῖς : with this phrase Mk. makes a new start, and turns the close of the Caesarea Philippi conversation into an introduction to the following narrative concerning the transfiguration, apparently suggesting that in the latter event the words found their fulfilment. This impression, if it existed, does not bind the interpreter. ἀμὴν, introducing a solemn statement. ἕως ἂν ἴδωσιν, etc.: the promised vision is differently described in the three accounts, as thus:

Till they see: the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom (Mt.).

Till they see: the Kingdom of God come (ἐληλυθυῖαν) in power (Mk.).

Till they see: the Kingdom of God (Lk.).

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Old Testament