νεφέλη φωτεινὴ, a luminous cloud, still a cloud capable of casting a shadow, though a faint one (“non admodum atram,” Fritzsche). Some, thinking a shadow incompatible with the light, render ἐπεσκίασεν tegebat, circumdabat. Loesner cites passages from Philo in support of this meaning. αὐτούς. Whom? the disciples? Jesus, Moses, and Elias? all the six? or the two celestial visitants alone? All these views have been held. The second the more probable, but impossible to be certain. καὶ ἰδού, again introducing a main feature: first the visitants, now the voice from heaven. Relation of the ear to the voice the same as that of the eye to the visitants. οὖτος : the voice spoken this time about Jesus; at the baptism to Him (Mark 1:11), meant for the ear of the three disciples. The voice to be taken in connection with the announcement of the coming passion. Jesus God's well-beloved as self-sacrificing. ἀκούετε αὐτοῦ : to be taken in the same connection = hear Him when He speaks to you of the cross. Hunc audite, nempe solum, plena fide, perfectissimo obsequio, universi apostoli et pastores praesertim, Elsner.

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Old Testament