αἰτία : a vague word. We should say: if such be the state of matters as between husband and wife, and that is doubtless what is meant. So interpreted, αἰτία would = res, conditio. (So Grotius.) Fritzsche regards the phrase ἡ αἰτία τ. ἀ. μ. τ. γ. as in a negligent way expressing the idea: if the reason compelling a man to live with a wife be so stringent (no separation save for adultery). If we interpret αἰτία in the light of Matthew 19:3 (κατὰ π. αἰτίαν) the word will mean cause of separation. The sense is the same, but in any view the manner of expression is somewhat helpless, as was not unnatural in the circumstances. Euthy. gives both meanings = αἰτία συζυγίας and αἰτία διαζευγνύουσα, with a preference for the former. ἀνθρώπου here = vir, maritus; instances of this use in Kypke, Palairet, etc.

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Old Testament