τότε : if the order of the narrative reflect the order of events, this invasion by the children was a happy coincidence after those words about the sacred and indissoluble tie of marriage and the duty of subordinating even it to the claims of the kingdom. προσηνέχθησαν, passive, by whom brought not said, the point of the story being how Jesus treated the children. ἵνα τ. χ. ἐπιθῇ, that he may lay His hands on them: the action being conceived of as present (Klotz ad Devar, p. 618). καὶ προσεύξηται : the imposition of hands was a symbol of prayer and blessing, possibly in the minds of those who brought the children it was also a protection from evil spirits (Orig.). ἐπετίμησαν αὐτοῖς : the αὐτοῖς ought in strict grammar to mean the children, but it doubtless refers to those who brought them. The action of the disciples was not necessarily mere officiousness. It may have been a Galilean incident, mothers in large numbers bringing their little ones to get a parting blessing from the good, wise man who is leaving their country, unceremoniously crowding around Him, affectionately mobbing Him in a way that seemed to call for interference. This act of the mothers of Galilee revealed how much they thought of Jesus.

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Old Testament