Expositor's Greek Testament (Nicoll)
Matthew 24:37
αἱ ἡμέραι τ. Νῶε, the history of Noah used to illustrate the uncertainty of the Parusia.
αἱ ἡμέραι τ. Νῶε, the history of Noah used to illustrate the uncertainty of the Parusia.
Verse 37. - 38. _AS THE DAYS OF NOAH - THEY WERE EATING AND_ _DRINKING_] That is, they spent their time in rapine, luxury, and riot. The design of these verses seems to be, that the desolation should...
NOE - The Greek way of writing “Noah.” See Gen. 6–9. The coming of the Son of man would be as it was in the days of Noah: * In its being sudden and unexpected, the “precise time” not being made know...
12. THE OLIVET DISCOURSE; THE KING REVEALS THE FUTURE OF THE KINGDOM. Chapter s 24-25. CHAPTER 24 1. The Destruction of the Temple Foretold. (Matthew 24:1 .) 2. The Questions of the Disciples. (Mat...
MATTHEW 24 F. THE ESCHATOLOGICAL DISCOURSE, AND THE PARABLES OF PAROUSIA (Mark 13*, Luke 21:5 *, Luke 17:23). Mt. follows Mk. fairly closely, but appends other eschatological sayings and illustrative...
"Learn the lesson which comes from the fig tree. Whenever the branch has become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you too see these things, know that he is...
THE VISION OF THINGS TO COME (Matthew 24:1-31) We have already seen that it is one of the great characteristics of Matthew that he gathers together in large blocks the teaching of Jesus about differe...
SHALL. will. ALSO THE COMING. the _parousia_ (or presence) also. THE COMING. the _parousia._ See note on Matthew 24:3....
_Noe_ This, the Greek form of the name, appears in E. V., Luke 17:26; "Noah" is read in the other passages where the name occurs, 1Pe 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 11:7. The Last Day will surprise men o...
THE COMING OF CHRIST; THE NEED OF WATCHFULNESS More briefly reported in Mark 13:32-37; Luke 21:34-36...
ὭΣΠΕΡ ΔῈ ΑἹ ἩΜΈΡΑΙ ΤΟΥ͂ ΝΩ͂Ε Κ.Τ.Λ. As at other critical times in history—the days before the flood—the eve of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah—so before the parousia of Christ the world will be...
Ver 36. "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38. For as in the day...
_THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS MATTHEW 24:34-44_ : Jesus said you can use leaves coming on a fig tree to know that summer is near. He used that illustration to let the people know that the desolation...
ΏΣΠΕΡ (G5618) так же как. Используется как сравнит, оборот (BAGD). ΈΣΤΑΝ _fut. ind. med. (dep.) от_ ΕΙΜΊ (G1510). ΠΑΡΟΥΣΊΑ (G3952) присутствие, приход, прибытие; используется для обозначения прибыти...
BUT AS THE DAYS OF NOE, &C.— The _days of Noah_ signify the days in which he preached to the old world that righteousness which they ought to have practised, and denounced the judgments of God to fall...
III. CHRIST'S SECOND COMING (24:36-25:46) A. The Date Known but to God (24:36) (Parallel: Mark 13:32) 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but...
B. Stories Illustrating Important Features of the Final End-Times 1. Illustration From Life Before the Flood: Business As Usual (24:37-42) Matthew 24:37 AND AS WERE THE DAYS OF NOAH, SO SHALL BE THE C...
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. For the exposition of this wonderful Prophecy, which will be best appreh...
29-31 Compare Mar_13:24-26; Luk_21:26-27. 29 See Rev_6:12-17; Isa_13:10; Joe_2:30-31; Joe_3:15; Amo_5:20. 29 Israel goes through the great affliction, and watches for the Son of Mankind, Who will sta...
THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM AND THE END OF THE WORLD FORETOLD 1. Jesus went out] RV 'Jesus went out from the temple, and was going on his way, and his disciples,' etc. THE BUILDINGS] The magnificent...
GREAT PROPHECY OF THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM, AND THE END OF THE WORLD (Mark 13:8; Luke 21:7). Many of the most serious difficulties of this great discourse disappear when it is realised that our Lo...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 24 JESUS TELLS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE *TEMPLE 24:1-2 V1 Then Jesus left the *Temple. He was walking away when his *disciples came u...
AS THE DAYS OF NOE WERE. — Here again we note an interesting coincidence with the Epistles of St. Peter, both of which teem, more than any other portions of the New Testament, with references to the h...
CHAPTER 18 The Prophecy on the Mount - Matthew 24:1 & Matthew 25:1 WE have seen that though the Saviour's public ministry is now closed, He still has a private ministry to discharge-a ministry of cou...
WORDS THAT MUST BE FULFILLED Matthew 24:29-39 The preceding portion of this prophecy is by all interpreters applied to the destruction of Jerusalem. But on the portion that follows there is a consid...
Passing from the city, the disciples drew their Master's attention to the stones of the Temple, and He told them that this glorious building would be demolished so that no single stone would be left u...
And as it was. The same shall take place at the coming of the Son of man at the last day, as at the general deluge. For, as then they indulged their appetites, unmindful of the fate that was attending...
CHAPTER 20 COMING OF THE LORD Matthew 24; Matthew 25; Mark 13; Luke 21. It is now in the afternoon, on Wednesday, preceding the arrest of our Savior about midnight the ensuin
"But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (38) For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until th...
We now enter on the Lord's final presentation of Himself to Jerusalem, traced, however, from Jericho; that is, from the city which had once been the stronghold of the power of the Canaanite. The Lord...
Matthew 24:37._But as the days of Noah were. _Although Christ lately expressed his desire to keep the minds of his followers in suspense, that they might not inquire too anxiously about the last day;...
We have already seen that the rejection of the testimony to the kingdom in grace, is the cause of the judgment that falls upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants. Now in chapter 24 we have the position of...
BUT AS THE DAYS OF NOE WERE,.... So Noah is usually called Noe by the Septuagint: the sense is, as were the practices of the men of that generation, in which Noah lived, so will be the practices of th...
But as the days of Noe _were_, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Ver. 37. _So shall the coming of the Son of man be_] Sudden and unexpected. Luther observeth, that it was in the spring t...
_But as the days of Noe were_, &c. As then they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till they were surprised by the flood, notwithstanding the frequent warnings and admonitions...
NOE; the Greek method of spelling Noah. Genesis 7:1....
The time of Judgment Day:...
He leaves the temple, and in Matthew is not seen there again. What can it be now without its proper Inhabitant? But the disciples draw His attention to the ornate buildings that were really only the w...
29-41 Christ foretells his second coming. It is usual for prophets to speak of things as near and just at hand, to express the greatness and certainty of them. Concerning Christ's second coming, it i...
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III Et rursus: "Sicut autem erat in diebus Noe, erant nubentes, et nuptui dantes, aedificantes, et plantantes; et sicut erat in diebus Lot, ita erit adventus Filii...
Matthew 24:37 But G1161 as G5618 days G2250 Noah G3575 so G3779 also G2532 will G2071 coming G3952 Son...
“And as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man.” Jesus now compares the days of Noah with the coming of the Son of Man. Both were in anticipation of judgment, and both judgmen...
WORDS AFTER LEAVING THE TEMPLE ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE AND ABOUT HIS SECOND COMING (24:1-51). a Introduction in which Jesus declares that the Temple will be utterly destroyed (Matthew 24:...
HIS COMING, OF WHICH HE DOES NOT KNOW THE TIME, WILL BE SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED (24:37-41). Just as in the days of Noah the coming of the flood was sudden and unexpected, so also will be the coming of...
Matthew 24:37. BUT AS THE DAYS OF NOAH WERE. The second coming of Christ will be sudden and unexpected. Our Lord assumes, that there was a flood sent in judgment in the days of Noah. He endorses the h...
THE DAYS OF NOAH (α ημερα του Νωε). Jesus had used this same imagery before to the Pharisees (Luke 17:26-30). In Noah's day there was plenty of warning, but utter unpreparedness. Most people are ei...
SON OF MAN (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 8:20). _...
CONTENTS: Destruction of the temple foretold. The course of the present age outlined; its culmination in the great tribulation and followed by the return of Christ in power and glory. Parable of the f...
Matthew 24:1. _The buildings of the temple._ Herod had gradually rebuilt the temple, taking down one part, and raising it anew, so that the worship was not interrupted. Hence it was still the second t...
THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. The Second Coming and the end of the world....
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 24:1 The Delay, Return, and Judgment of the Messiah. These two chapters are often called the “Olivet Discourse” because Jesus “sat on the Mount of Olives” when he spoke these w...
Jesus tells about his return Matthew 24:36-51; Mark 13:32-37; Luke 21:34-36; Luke 12:39-46;...
_MAIN HOMILETICS OF THE PARAGRAPH.— Matthew 24:36_ The uncertainty of the end.—We ought to know the season, we cannot know the moment, of the “appearing” of Christ. So the Saviour teaches us here. “Of...
Now Jesus went out (Matthew 24:1), Left the house desolate. He is rejected now. They've rejected Him, now He has rejected them. Leave the house desolate; you're not going to see me again until you ar...
1 Peter 3:20; 1 Peter 3:21; 2 Peter 2:5; 2 Peter 3:6; Genesis 6:1;...
Luke 17:26....
In these verses our Saviour declares that Jerusalem's destruction, and the world's final dissolution at the great day, would be much like the destruction of the old world; and that in two respects: 1...