καθεύδετε λ. κ. ἀναπαύεσθε, sleep now and rest; not ironical or reproachful, nor yet seriously meant, but concessive = ye may sleep and rest indefinitely so far as I am concerned; I need no longer your watchful interest. The Master's time of weakness is past; He is prepared to face the worst. ἡ ὥρα : He expects the worst to begin forthwith: the cup, which He prayed might pass, to be put immediately into His hands. παραδίδοται, betrayal the first step, on the point of being taken. ἁμαρτωλῶν, the Sanhedrists, with whom Judas has been bargaining. ἐγείρ. ἄγωμ.: sudden change of mood, on signs of a hostile approach: arise, let us go; spoken as if by a general to his army. ὁ παραδιδούς, the traitor is seen to be coming. It is noticeable that throughout the narrative, in speaking of the action of Judas the verb παραδίδωμι is used instead of προδίδωμι : the former expresses the idea of delivering to death, the latter of delivering into the hands of those who sought His life (Euthy. on Matthew 26:21).

The scene in the garden is intrinsically probable and without doubt historical. The temptation was to suppress rather than to invent in regard both to the behaviour of Jesus and to that of His disciples. It is not the creation of theology, though theology has made its own use of it. It is recorded simply because it was known to have happened.

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Old Testament