ὁ λέγων, ὁ ποιῶν : Of all, whether disciples or teachers, the principle holds good without exception that not saying “Lord” but doing God's will is the condition of approval and admittance into the kingdom. Saying “Lord” includes taking Jesus for Master, and listening to His teaching with appreciation and admiration; everything short of carrying out His teaching in life. In connection with such lofty thoughts as the Beatitudes, the precept to love enemies and the admonition against care, there is a great temptation to substitute sentimental or æsthetic admiration for heroic conduct. τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πατρός μου. Christ's sense of His position as Master or Lord was free from egotism. He was simply the Son and Servant of the Father, whose will He and all who follow Him must obey; my Father here for the first time.

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Old Testament