Αὐτῶν ἐξερχομένων : while the two blind men are going out they bring another sufferer to the great Healer; an incessant stream of applicants for aid flowing towards His door. κωφὸν : dumbness the apparent symptom. The word literally means blunt, and in Homer (Il., ii. 390) is applied to a weapon. In N. T. it is used with reference to the senses and faculties, here the faculty of speech (Matthew 9:33, ἐλάλησεν), in Matthew 11:5, that of hearing. δαιμονιζόμενον : the inferred cause. It was known that the dumbness was not due to any physical defect. Speech seemed to be prevented by some foreign spiritual power; the mental disease, possibly, melancholy.

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Old Testament