ὁ δὲ Θεός κ. τ. λ. God's treatment of them corresponds to their treatment of Paul. They had ministered to his χρεία. so that he could say πεπλήρωμαι. That was the side of the reckoning which stood to their credit. Here is the other side. “My God shall repay what has been done to me His servant for the Gospel's sake. He, in turn, shall satisfy to the full (πληρώσει) every need of yours.” τὸ πλοῦτος must be read. See crit. note supr. So also in 2 Corinthians 8:2; Ephesians 1:7; Ephesians 2:7; Ephesians 3:8; Ephesians 3:16; Colossians 1:27; Colossians 2:2. But ὁ πλοῦτος in Ephesians 1:18, and repeatedly both in nominative, genitive and accusative singular. Modern Greek uses πλοῦτος, βίος, θρῆνος sometimes with ὁ, sometimes with τό. LXX generally has ὁ. ἐν δόξῃ. The phrase is regarded by some (e.g., Beng., Ws [70]., Eadie, etc.) as = “in a lavish, magnificent way”. This is to strain the sense. It is much more natural, comparing Romans 8:21; Ephesians 1:18 (τίς ὁ πλοῦτος τῆς δόξης τῆς κληρονομίας), to think of it as the future Messianic glory which Paul believed to be so near (so Lft [71]., Kl [72]., etc.).

[70]. Weiss.

[71] Lightfoot.

[72]. Klöpper.

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Old Testament