περὶ πάντα is joined with the preceding words by Jerome and Lucifer (ut pudici [sobrii] sint in omnibus), followed by Tischendorf and von Soden. For this use of περί, See on 1 Timothy 1:19. St. Paul's usual phrase is ἐν παντί (fifteen times in all; ten times in 2 Cor.; not in Pastorals), or ἐν πᾶσιν (ten times, five of which are in the Pastorals: 1 Timothy 3:11; 2Ti 2:7; 2 Timothy 4:5; Titus 2:9-10); also εἰς πάντα, 2 Corinthians 2:9; κατὰ πάντα, Colossians 3:20; Colossians 3:22.

σεαυτὸν παρεχόμενος τύπον : The middle is appropriate with σεαυτὸν; see reff. given by Deissmann, Bible Studies, trans. p. 254; but with ἀφθορίαν, etc., the active would seem more natural, as in reff. For τύπον, see 1 Timothy 4:12, and for καλὰ ἔργα, see 1 Timothy 3:1. This exhortation, following νεωτέρους κ. τ. λ., and also Titus 2:15, suggest that Titus was comparatively young.

διδασκαλία here is not doctrine (A.V.), but teaching; thy doctrine (R.V.), including the person of the teacher as well as what he says. See note on 1 Timothy 1:10.

ἀφθορίαν, σεμνότητα, sincerity … impressiveness, integritatem … gravitatem. See on 1 Timothy 2:2. These refer respectively to the principles and the manner of the teacher, while λόγον, κ. τ. λ., describes the matter of his teaching.

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