οὗ ἐξέχεεν : Joel 3:1 (Joel 2:28) is the passage alluded to. Cf. in addition to reff. given above, Acts 10:45; Romans 5:5; Galatians 4:6. The οὗ refers of course to πνεύματ. ἁγ. by attraction, not to ἀνακαινώσεως. All gifts of the Holy Spirit that come through Jesus Christ are a continuation of the Pentecostal outpouring. The aorist is due to the Apostle's thought of that occasion, although the ἡμᾶς shows that the immediate reference is to the experience of St. Paul and other Christians.

διὰ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ : to be connected with ἐξέχεεν. See John 15:26; Acts 2:33. The finished work of Jesus Christ was the necessary pre-condition to His effusion of the Holy Spirit.

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Old Testament