Ver. 3. If any one teacheth other doctrine, and does not assent to sound words, those [namely] of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the instruction that is according to godliness. This description of the false teacher incidentally arose out of the charge in the immediately preceding clause, to teach and exhort after the manner enjoined by the apostle. The word ἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν has already occurred 1 Timothy 1:3; and both there and here means to teach otherwise, or differently, that is, as compared with a proper kind of teaching, expressed or understood. This latter sort of teaching has here again, as at 1 Timothy 1:10, the epithet sound or wholesome attached to it, and is explicitly connected with the prophetic agency of Christ the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ; not necessarily meaning those which were directly spoken by Him, but such as bear upon them the stamp of His authority; along with His own, therefore, those also of His divinely commissioned apostles and evangelists. The teaching which emanated from this source was emphatically of a healthful character, being at once clear in its enunciations and practical in its aim, disposing the soul to grapple with the great interests of its being, and creating in it a distaste for idle speculations and questions that cannot profit. Hence it is said of such Christian teaching, that it is according to godliness; that is, in accordance with the nature and interests of godliness. Hence, also, it augured ill for any persons wishing to be regarded as teachers in the church, that they should refuse to come into proper accord with it. Προσέρχεσθαι is the word employed; (Tisch., in his eighth edition, follows the single authority of the Sinaitic in adopting here the easier reading προσε ́ χεται, instead of προσέρχεται, which has the support of A, D, F, G, K, L, P, the Goth., Syr., Sah., Co p., Ethiop. versions. The received text seems clearly entitled to the preference.) it means primarily, to come near to, to approach, then to coincide with, to assent to; thus used also by Philo, de Gigant., μηδενὶ προσέρχεσθαι γνώμῃ τῶν εἰρημένων ; Migr. Abr., προσελθόντες ἀρετῇ.

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