Ver. 14. Very naturally and fitly coming after this exhortation, rightly understood, is the charge in this verse: the goodly deposit keep through the Holy Spirit that dwelleth in us. The goodly deposit, or good thing entrusted to him, is just the scheme of divine doctrine and obligation, which he had received in trust as a believer and an evangelist, and the living type of which had formed itself in his heart from the apostolic words he had so often listened to. He is called to keep or guard this (φύλαξον); yet not as in his own strength and wisdom, but through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So that there is no inconsistence between what is thus charged on Timothy respecting his deposit, and what the apostle represented himself as doing in regard to his own trusting in the faithfulness and power of God to keep it. In both cases alike the effective guardianship was of God the assurance of a safe and triumphant issue stood in their personal relation to Him; but God's keeping, in their case as in all others, had man's for its necessary counterpart through this alone could it be justly expected to realize itself

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Old Testament

New Testament