Ver. 5. But (δὲ, introducing a fresh illustration Winer, Gr. § 53, 7, b; not only so, but there is this further case) if any one also strive in the games another good rendering of Scholfield's, and decidedly preferable to that of the Authorized Version, “if a man strive for the masteries,” which is too general, and scarcely suggests to the mere English reader the specific kind of striving referred to. It is impossible, except by such a circumlocution, to give the force of the Greek ἀθλῇ. The Vulgate also had to take the same course certat in agone. He is not crowned unless he have striven lawfully adhering with whatever self-sacrifice to the prescribed rules. This alone entitles him, even if his striving have been such as to place him in the foremost rank, to obtain the crown of victory. The inference is plain: if so in the lower sphere, and with respect to a perishable distinction, how much more in regard to the great struggle between righteousness and sin, light and darkness in ourselves and in the world, which carries with it issues of eternal moment!

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