Ver. 9. But (such is the conclusion of the matter) they shall not make progress (οὐ προκόψουσιν ἐπὶ πλεῖον, lit. shall not advance to more, or rise to a stronger position); for their folly shall become manifest to all, as THEIRS also came to be. The triumph of truth over error, of reality over presumption, should now, as of old, become apparent. An opposition has been thought to exist between this passage and 2 Timothy 2:16, where it is said of the teachers of profane and vain babblings, that they would advance to more of ungodliness. But the cases are really very different, for the persons spoken of here were not of the same class as the others; and having become already thoroughly corrupt and reprobate, an advance in this direction was impossible. The advance, however, which is denied respecting them has reference not to their personal state, but to the godless cause they were seeking to promote: in this they should not make progress; the course of events would expose their folly, and leave them, like the old wonder-workers of Egypt, exposed to obloquy and shame.

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