Jonah 4:1-4

CHAPTER VIII. THE DISPLEASURE OF JONAH AT THE PRESERVATION OF NINEVEH FROM the effect produced on the mind of God by the repentance of Nineveh toward him, we now pass to the effect produced on the mind of Jonah by the repentance of God toward Nineveh. This at first sight appears strange, so strange... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 4:5

CHAPTER IX. GOD'S WAYS VINDICATED, AND THE PROPHET'S VIEWS RECTIFIED AND ENLARGED IT would seem, from the concluding portion of the narrative, that the Divine purpose respecting Nineveh had been communicated somewhat gradually to Jonah, and that he had not been at the first certified of the absolute... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 4:6-11

In transcribing the account of this transaction, we must take leave to substitute the Septuagint rendering, for that in the common version, of the peculiar phrase explained in a note at the beginning of last chapter, and simply notice, by way of information to those who may need it, that what are ca... [ Continue Reading ]

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