Ver. 14. Further, and with the view especially of securing real soundness of faith, the apostle would have them exhorted not to give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, who turn away from the truth. The same exhortation substantially was given at 1 Timothy 1:4 and 1 Timothy 4:3. The lying and deceptive tendency which had obtained such prevalence in Crete seems to have begotten a fondness for those fables, and have led also to the introduction or pressing of merely human commandments, as if they were divine. These probably related very much to distinctions in food and punctilios of outward observance, and from their nature necessarily indisposed both teachers and taught toward the truth of God. In such a case deceivers and deceived could only present different shades of what was essentially the same radical error.

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Old Testament

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