Ver. 16. The description is wound up by a fearful announcement of their morally shipwrecked and hopeless condition: they confess that they know God, but in works deny [Him] being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. The description, it must be borne in mind, relates to those who have come within the sphere of religious truth, who have had their minds instructed in its principles and obligations, and have withal not formally renounced the profession of godliness which they naturally involve; but who have all along, from sinister motives, withstood the truth in their hearts, have talked big and done little; nay, have become adepts in evading the plainest calls of duty, and following courses at variance with the great principles of morality and religion. Of persons who have pursued such a career it may justly be said, that the very foundations of their moral being are out of course; and according to God's ordinary methods of dealing, there is no hope of recovering them to truth and righteousness. By calling them reprobate in regard to every good work ἀδόκιμοι the apostle means that they are of no worth or account in that respect: when the question is about a good work, such persons may be rejected as having no proper affinity to it.

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