The apostle explains to the Corinthians in this verse what leads him now to modify his original plan. Certain things are actually passing in their Church, especially between him and them, which are too grave to admit of his merely glancing at them, as would be inevitable in the case of a short stay; he would rather not touch them until he was allowed to treat them thoroughly. We must not, as Meyer does, put the emphasis on ὑμᾶς, you, contrasting the Corinthians with the Macedonians. Neither is there ground for contrasting the ἄρτι, now, with a previous sojourn also very short. The apostle simply means, that as things are at present between them and him, time is needed to make everything clear, and that consequently he defers his future visit until he shall be able to prolong it as much as necessary. Reuss and others are therefore wrong in taking this passage to prove a second stay of the apostle at Corinth anterior to this letter.

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Old Testament

New Testament