But there is more: to account for a lawsuit, there is needed something else than the lack of charity on the one hand; there must be a graver want still on the other, the want of justice. To speak of maltreated, robbed, is to speak of maltreating, robbing. Hence the gradation expressed by ἀλλά : But much more! The ὑμεῖς, ye, coming first, expresses indignation: “It is ye, Christians, who...!” The, and that, indicates a new gradation: the want of justice betrays a more odious character when it assails one nearer our heart, a brother!

It is easy to see why certain copyists have substituted ταῦτα (the two acts mentioned) for τοῦτο.

It really seemed that the Corinthians, since they had received grace, thought themselves freed from all moral responsibility; it is this dangerous security which the apostle attacks in what follows.

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Old Testament

New Testament