Jesus says to them, Fill the water-pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8. And he says to them, Draw out now and bear unto the ruler of the feast. And they bore it.

We should not understand γεμίσατε, fill, in the sense of filling up, nor allege in support of this meaning the words ἕως ἄνω, up to the brim; the matter thus understood has something repugnant in it. Either the urns were empty in consequence of the ablutions which had taken place before the repast, or they were beginning by emptying them, in order to fill them afterwards anew. The: up to the brim serves to make the ardor with which the work was done apparent. The moment of the miracle must be placed between John 2:7-8; since the transformation is presupposed as accomplished by the word now of John 2:8. This now, as well as the words: bear it, breathes a spirit of overflowing joy and even gaiety. The person here called ruler of the feast was not one of the guests; he was the chief of the servants: it belonged to his office to taste the meats and drinks before they were placed upon the table. He ordinarily bears in Greek the name τραπεζοποιός.

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