II. The First Appearance to the Disciples: John 20:19-23.

The risen Lord advances by degrees in His manifestation of Himself. The appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene, prepared for by that of the angels, prepares in its turn, by the message entrusted to Mary for the disciples, for His appearance in the midst of them. Two particular manifestations of the Risen One took place before this one in the course of that day the appearance to the two disciples of Emmaus and that which was granted to Peter (Luke 24:13-32; Luke 24:34, Mark 16:12-13). That in the evening to all the disciples, which is described in what follows, is evidently identical with that which Luke (Luke 24:36 ff.) and Mark (Mark 16:14) relate. This appearance had as its essential aim to establish in them faith in the resurrection, and thereby to strengthen their faith in Him; it was to serve also as a preparation for their apostolic mission.

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