Ver. 27. Upon this his disciples came, and they were astonished that he was speaking with a woman; yet no one of them said:What seekest thou? or, Why speakest thou with her.

There existed a rabbinical prejudice, according to which a woman is not capable of receiving profound religious instruction: “Do not prolong conversation with a woman; let no one converse with a woman in the street, not even with his own wife; let a man burn the words of the law, rather than teach them to women” (see Lightfoot on this verse). Probably the apostles had not yet seen their Master set Himself above this prejudice. We may hesitate between the two readings marvelled (ἐθαύμασαν) and were marvelling (ἐθαύμαζον). The first gives to the astonishment the character of a momentary act, the second makes of it a continuing state. Μέντοι : However, the astonishment did not extend so far in any one of them as to lead to ask Him for an explanation. Ζητεῖν, to seek, ask, refers to a service which He had requested, like that of John 4:10; λαλεῖν to speak, to a given instruction.

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Old Testament

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